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"Um, Chris, this is Adam," Y/n introduces with a forced smile. Chris' eyebrows go up in that naturally sarcastic way that they do and he smiles something faker than her.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Adam, Y/n I actually need you to come with me," Chris said, squinting at her. She looks up at Chris, emerald eyes boring down at her, jaw clenched slightly. Her eyes fell back down to Adam and she smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I'll just be one second," she said.

"No actually, she probably won't be back," Chris said, gently taking her elbow and pulling her up.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Adam asks, standing up and puffing his chest slightly. Y/n rolls her eyes as Chris takes a slight step closer to Adam, straightening his shoulders.

"I'm a good friend of Y/n's and trust me buddy, you're not really her type," Chris said, eyeing Adam's suit and neatly styles blonde hair.

"That doesn't quite seem to be the case seeing as this is our forth date, buddy," Adam says, harshly tapping a finger against Chris' chest. Chris licks his bottom lip with a sarcastic smirk.

"Are you serious right now?" Y/n asks mostly to herself.

"Right 'cause I'm sure she loves hearing all about how rich and manly you are, overcompensating much?" Chris asks, making a suggestive look down.

"I don't know, ask her," Adam gestures towards Y/n, her eyes narrowing. Chris shakes his head, his teeth gritting hard as he shoves Adam, causing him to hit the table, their glasses and silverware clinking and swaying.

"Chris!" Y/n reaches for Chris' arm, but Adam has already shoved him back and Chris throws a punch. Y/n gasps, watching as Adam falls into the table again, this time making the table cloth slip, their glasses smashing to the floor. Adam throws the second punch, making Chris stumble back hard, but he recovers fairly quickly and starts for Adam again.

"Chris!" Y/n shouts, placing herself between the two men, pressing herself up against Chris' chest as he tries to push on. "Stop," she pushes against his chest, forcing his gently backwards. "Let's go, now!" she seethes. Chris eyes Adam for a long second before looking down at her, his eyes softening. He tilts his head down as he allows her to push him outside of the restaurant

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouts once they were fully outside.

"What? He was a dick," Chris said, gesturing at the doors of the restaurant.

"Yeah, so were you! 'you're not her type'? What the hell was that?" She asked angrily, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well is he?" Chris asked with a scoff. "Dry cleaned suit, perfectly gelled up hair, excuses himself at the drop of a dime to take a phone call, perfectly crafted smile, a little too proud of his car? You're saying that's what you're into? Are you forgetting that I know you?" Chris asked.

"Maybe it is!" She yells. "Either way that's none of your business. You can't just stomp in and ruin my date just because you don't like him."

"Well you deserve a lot better than someone who spends all of their first date talking about himself and all of the incredible things for his company," Chris said, rolling his eyes.

"Still none of your business," She threw her arms up.

"I'm just looking out for you!" Chris defended.

"Why? Why do you care so much?" She asked in an annoyed shout.

"Because!" Chris yelled, breathing hard. "You know why!" Chris took a step closer to her, "You know why so don't pretend like you don't," he said softer. Their eyes stayed locked for a few silent moments, people around them staring. Her eyes were filled with angry and frustrated tears threatening to spill, his eyes swimming with confliction. She took a deep, shaky breath as she took a step back.

"I can't do this right now, Chris," she said shakily. He stayed in place, frowning as he watched her shake her head. "Please." Chris followed her into the alley beside the restaurant and orbed them to the manor. They filled her in on what was going on, ignoring the looks on their faces in favor of vanquishing whatever demon was terrorizing today.


Y/n sighed as she left Leo to heal Paige. She looked around the living room, but she didn't see what she was looking for. She walked up the stairs, running her hand against the small cut on her arm. She knocked softly on the door she was looking for, a muffled voice telling her to come inside. She pushed inside slowly, slipping in and shutting the door behind her. She leaned back against the door, staring down at the floor.

"You're right," she said quietly.

"Y/n, you don't have to explain, I get it," Chris stood up from his bed, a defeated look on his face when she looked up at him.

"I do," she said, a tear falling. "I held myself back because I wasn't sure on which day you would have to leave, to go back," her voice cracked softly, "and as it is it's already going to kill me to have to say goodbye. I can't imagine how hard it would be if we were more."

"It's not fair to you, I know that, and I shouldn't have made such a scene at the restaurant, I'm sorry."

"It's not fair," she repeated, stepping closer, "to either of us. It's completely unfair," his eyes trailed her up and down as she stood close to him, her hands laying on his shoulders. His hands hesitated before finding her hips. "But nothing is ever fair and I'd rather be happy now and sad later than unhappy now and regretful later," she said.

Their lips met hesitantly at first, before everything they've been holding in for months came pouring out and he was gripping her hips and lifting her off of her feet, pressing her against the door.

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