|1| A.k.a grumpy

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Water dripped from her lashes like droplets leaking from a faucet

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Water dripped from her lashes like droplets leaking from a faucet. Her veins sizzled like a fire had been lit inside of them and she can't feel her body anymore. God she was tired. Her vision was blurred and dancing with pretty purples and yellows that swayed and twinkled in every direction.

Then, just as she felt like every last drop had been drained from her existence, it stopped, and everything went black.


Lights. More lights. They were dancing beyond her closed eyes, twinkling like fairy lights. Yellow and orange sparks of pristine beauty.

Y/n awoke with a gasp, the lights fading and transforming into a bright glow that was emanating from a pair of hands that were unfamiliar to her.

"Who are you?" Her voice was raspy and her throat tight.

"My name is Leo, can you tell me yours?" The lights stopped, a dull ache filling the entirety of Y/n's body.

"Y/n," she pushed herself up, taking in her surroundings. She was sitting on an old couch, the white, floral decorated cushions soft beneath her aching body. "Where the hell am I?" She asked, pushing frizzy strands of still-damp hair out of her face. She swept all of her hair up her neck, smoothing it along the top of her head and twirling it all into a bun.

"You're in the Halliwell manor. I would have healed you in the alley but there were still demons around and you were barely hanging on," Leo said, his eyes staring down at her with a softness she wasn't used to. She squirmed a bit under their warmth, sliding her feet off of the couch and onto the floor to gather more of her bearings.

"Great, go out to get a damn sandwich and end up in the charmed ones living room. I'm guessing your the white-lighter?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"No, that would be me." Y/n's eyes travel beyond Leo and land upon a man a few years older than herself but looking younger than the man who had just healed her. He was leaning against the frame of the living room entrance, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows drawn down with a cautionary expression. "And you are..." the words came out almost judgmentally, making Y/n's shoulders rise.

"Covered in dry sweat and dirt, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way," Y/n stood up, her black jacket shifting uncomfortably against her skin. She looked up at Leo, the man smiling softly at her. "Thank you for helping me, I really do appreciate it," she said, nodding her head with a half smile.

"Leo!" Y/n's attention strayed to the entrance of the living room as three women walked in. She can't lie, of course she was a bit starstruck. The charmed ones were legendary. Even if you were the highest level ranking demon out there, you would still pale in comparison to the charmed ones.

"What's wrong?" Leo turned towards them, his feet spread and his shoulders squared like he was ready for anything to be thrown at him. Y/n stood slightly behind him, her eyes flicking between all five people in the room, her magic tingling for her to just get out of there.

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