|7| betraying her own

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Finding Nicoli wasn't hard. As soon as they set up in Nancy's apartment and left her in a room alone with the fake pendant, he was shimmering his way in. Nancy held onto the fake pendant as though it was the real one, acting scared and protective as Nicoli advanced on her.

"I'm not leaving this time without that pendant," he hissed, backing her into a corner.

"Please, stop," she cried. As soon as the words left her lips, Nicoli reached out and snatched the pendant from her neck, Nancy letting out a believable cry once it snapped off of her neck. Nicoli chuckled darkly, placing Nancy's fake one over the one on his neck.

"Hey!" Piper came out of her hiding place and snapped her hands, aiming a blast at him. Nicoli jumped out of the way, throwing a fireball at her that she narrowly missed.

"Pendant," Paige called, Nancy's fake one appearing in her hand. Y/n could see the scene unraveling very terribly from her hiding place. Nicoli threw a fireball at Paige, her calling it and sending it back at him. Nicoli threw another one, but this time, it hit her. Paige fell with a hard smack against the wall.

"Paige!" Piper screamed, eyes wide.

"Dammit," Y/n cursed, leaving her hiding place and facing Nicoli as Piper ran to Paige.

"Y/n?" Her name fell questioningly from his lips, fireballs dying in his palms.

"Hi Nic," she greeted, an energy ball forming in her own hands.

"Wow, betraying your own, your father would be so disappointed," Nicoli shook his head, a fireball forming in his hands.

"You have no idea who my father was or what he would think of me," Y/n seethed, throwing her energy ball and dodging his. She threw her hands out and sent him flying back against the wall, holding him there with one hand out. She flicked her hand and the shield pendant went flying off of his neck.  She threw only one energy ball, aimed right at his chest, and he went up in flames. He screamed once before he exploded, sinking then disappearing into the floor.

"Leo!" Piper yelled, holding Paige closely. Y/n ran over to held, but she was pushed back by Phoebe.

"You stay back," she warned. Y/n stumbled back, losing her breath as Leo orbed in, immediately focusing on Paige. Chris was standing near Nancy, his eyes trained on Y/n, his mouth curled down and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why the hell are you on a first name basis with an upper-level demon, and why didn't you tell us that you are one?" Piper asked, her face red as she stood before Y/n angrily.

"Wait what?" Leo asked, standing up once he was done healing Paige.

"Oh yeah," Piper scoffed, "Nicoli knew who Y/n was and he said something about her father being disappointed because she was 'betraying her own'," Piper quoted venomously.

"Care to share?" Phoebe asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood beside Piper. Everyone's eyes were on her now, making her pulse race and her face heat up.

"I'm half demon," she said softly, "my father was a demon and my mother was a witch. I was raised up here by my mother but I spent some time down there with my father. They weren't together but I spent a lot of time with both of them because I could shimmer whenever I wanted to. I got both of their powers, but it's mostly witch that runs through me and I reside 100% with good," Y/n explained.

"That's why I can't sense that you're a demon, you're not evil," Leo said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Y/n nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Phoebe asked.

"I didn't even think to tell you, I'd call myself a witch before I'd call myself a demon. I'm so sorry if you feel like I was deceiving you, I'd completely understand if you never want to see me again, I just... I've been on my own so long it felt good doing magic with other people. I'm so sorry," Y/n felt tears welling in the corner of her eyes, her throat going tight. Her eyes flicked over to Chris, his already trained on her. Her words felt mostly directed towards him, how she could have told him at the store, or the club, or the restaurant, or any other time that he decided to pop in and spend time with her. She didn't know what to expect when he found out and all she could see was the deep confused crease in his forehead and the downward pull of his lips.

"I think it'd be best if you just go," Piper said, her voice still sharp. Y/n looked between all of them, Paige barely sitting up in the corner, Nancy looking uncomfortable and confused, Leo and his kind face still leaking sympathy, and the sisters all looking wary and still somewhat angry.

Y/n shimmered away after nodding softly. She landed in her bedroom, the tears finally falling.

But before she could fall into her bed, she was hit with a fireball. She went flying against her bedroom wall, choking on a scream as she fell to her bed, her shoulder burning. She coughed as she fell off of her bed, hitting the floor with a grunt. Callie stomped her way over, crouching down over her and placing a blade at her neck.

"I'm going to get that dagger. If I have to torture it out of you, that's just a bonus," She smirked, pressing the blade harder against Y/n's throat.

"Hey Y/n I-" Y/n gasped when she heard Chris' voice, Callie's head whipping up. "What the hell!" Chris rushed forward, but Callie grabbed Y/n's arm and shimmered. Y/n sighed as they landed in the underworld, her body crashing to the ground. Y/n rolled out of under Callie, pushing herself up and throwing her hands out, forcing everyone back. Callie recovered quickly, throwing the blade. It plunged deep into Y/n's shoulder, pulling a scream out of her as she stumbled back against a table, clutching it for support. Callie sauntered up to her, gripping the blade and shoving it deeper, forcing tears from Y/n's eyes.

"Don't move too much, baby, it'll only make the poison worse," Callie smiled wickedly, twisting the blade just enough to make Y/n scream. "Now, where is that dagger?"

A Little Kept Secret + other stories (Chris Halliwell x reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ