Play Date - 4 (Tsukishima)

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A/N: Alright, here's the last part to Tsukishima, and I hope you enjoy. Thanks for the continued support and your feedback. Please, continue to vote and leave your comments, they really do help a lot. Let me know who you would like to read about next from the Karasuno team. Thanks so much!

Chapter 4

I wanted to smack him. How could he say that to me? I knew he was ruthless with his words, but did he not realize that his words hurt me? I never thought he could have been so heatless. 

"What do you mean you don't want me to go?" I asked Kei during one of our study sessions at his place.

We were in his room, sitting adjacent to each other with our work books open. I had just mentioned the volleyball tournament coming up, and it was like his whole demeanor went ice cold.

"I don't need to be embarrassed during the games." He replied continuing to work on his homework.

"How would I embarrass you? I'll just be watching from the stands." I argued, and was rewarded an irritated sigh from my boyfriend.

"Just having you there is embarrassing." He said a bit harshly rubbing the bridge of his nose.

I stared at him wide eyed completely shocked. He finds me embarrassing? My heart fell through the floor, and I suddenly felt sick. I bit down on my cheek to keep myself from tearing up. I didn't expect him to say that. If that was really how he felt why was he with me in the first place?

"Fine." I said softly and looked back down at my work. I didn't know whether to pack my things up and leave, or to curse him out.

"Shit." I heard him mumble and he dropped his pen. "Y/n that's not what I meant." he turned to face me, and he reached over the table to grab my hand but I pulled away from him.

I couldn't look up at him, and I was already tempted to just leave. I didn't want to hear him say that he regretted any of this. My heart couldn't take it.

"I meant that you being there would distract me, and that's embarrassing." He scratched the back of his head already looking regretful.

"Knowing you're there watching me, I don't want to get nervous and mess up."

Kei had proven to me time and time again that what he felt for me was true, but there was always that doubt. I hated that it was there, and I'd give anything to make it go away, but despite what either of us did it was always there. So when he said he didn't want me at his games I felt hurt and unwanted. Except, I should have known that it wasn't the case here.

I shook my head and flashed him a smile. I shouldn't have jumped to my own conclusions there, and I had to start believing that Kei had his reasons for doing things. Still, I couldn't help how I truly felt. 

"No it's okay. I don't want to cause you to mess up. I understand." I said it sweetly to try and show that I wasn't upset.

"Don't do that." He said deadpan. He could see right through my bullshit. My smile faded, and I pulled at my sleeves feeling uncomfortably exposed. 

"Don't give me that fake ass smile like you're okay when you're not." He leaned in to me, and wrapped his arms around my shoulder bringing me into a hug.

I sighed dropping my head into his shoulder. He was smarter than that, and could tell that his words had hurt me, even if it was unintentionally. I leaned into him, wrapping my own arm around his waist.

"I'm sorry, I'm just being dumb. I know that's not what you meant." I tilted my head back to look at him. He looked back down at me not sure what to say.

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