Sweet Tooth - 1 (Sugawara)

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**Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. The plot is simply my own idea.

Chapter 1

I didn't know when it had started, but I couldn't stop it now. If it were up to me, I would have stopped it as soon as it began. It was too late now, and I was headed into a world full of hurt.

"Hey (Y/n), here are your Math notes, thanks again for letting me copy them." Sugawara Koushi smiled kindly at me while handing me back my notebook.

"No problem, I hope they were easy to follow." I reply, my heart speeding up with every second.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just sorry I keep asking for them." he said rubbing the back of his head. God, why did that look so cute? "With all my effort going to the team, I'm falling a little behind on my studies. So, I really appreciate all your help."

"Uh- Of course, let me know if you need help with anything else." I wave his praise off, but I could feel my cheeks start to burn.

"Sure." Sugawa grinned and then waved as he walked back to his seat.

I let out a sigh finally able to relax. My heart was still beating rapidly, and my face still felt hot. How did it get so bad? When did my feelings get out of control like this?

Sugawara had always been so nice to me, more than anyone in our year actually. All the other students would either ignore me completely, or they would pick on me about my size.

I admit, I was a big girl but that didn't give them a right to mistreat me. Although, I would be a liar if I said it didn't get to me. My biggest insecurity was my size, and how others looked at me. I have tried many ways, and many different times to lose weight, but nothing seemed to be working.

Sugawara never mentioned it though, and I was thankful for that. He also treated me like everyone else, but I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

I groaned inwardly and rested my face on my desk. I had to get a hold of myself. It wasn't like he would ever like me back. No one so good looking would go for a girl like me.

"(Y/n)-chan" I heard him call out my name again. I lifted my head to find Sugawara along with Sawamura Daichi standing over me. "Sorry to bother you again." he said a bit bashfully.

"Suga was saying how helpful you have been with his studies." Sawamura said, giving me a hopeful smile. "Truthfully, I could use some help too."

"Asahi usually helps out, but he's been busy lately. Do you think you could help us study a little?" Sugawara asked with those damn cute pleading eyes.

How could I say no to that face?

"I, um, yeah, I don't mind." I answer feeling the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

"Thank you, I owe you one." Sawamura said.

"Same here." Sugawara chuckled. "Are you free this Sunday?"

"I'm free in the afternoon." I reply. I was free all day, but I didn't want to come off as some loser who didn't have plans on their days off.

"Perfect, we can study at my house." Sugawara said quickly writing something down. "Here's my address." he handed me the piece of paper which indeed had his address on it.

"Uh Suga," Sawamura whispered a look of worry coming over his face. "Is it really right to have (Y/n) over at your place with just the two of us?" he asked.

"Uh-" panic washed over Sugawara as he came to this realization. "S-sorry, I skipped over that."

"You two can come over to my place. My mom and sister will be home, so it should be fine." I offer, and the two of them let out relieved sighs.

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