Dummy Next Door - Part 2 (Kageyama)

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Chapter 2

Making friends had never been a challenge for me. I was pretty friendly, and nice to everyone I met. What I struggled with was keeping friends. Everyone was kind, but I could tell behind thier eyes that they didn't really want to be associated with me. If I didn't serve a purpose for them, they didn't want me around.

I understood, and normally kept to myself putting my focus on my studies. But today, when I overheard a group of my classmates plan to go out after school, I couldn't help feel the lonely pang in my chest grow larger. I inhaled a deep breath to try and calm my feelings.

High school wasn't going to last forever. I wouldn't have to deal with the petty games and drama forever. Once I was able to get out of this place I would find my own way in life. Until then, I just had to power through it.

I had spent the past couple of hours studying, but I was starting to get a headache. A break was well needed, so I headed downstairs but found that I was alone. My father was probably still working, and my mom hadn't returned from the bakery just yet. I sighed, the lonely feeling in my chest growing.

I decided I would go to the nearest convenient store and grab some snacks. I slipped on my shoes and had just gotten outside when I heard a loud crash. I looked towards where the sound was coming from and saw Kageyama storming outside of his own home.

I watched him turn down the street and walk towards my place. I walked down to the front to meet up with him noticing the frown on his face. I hadn't seen him so upset before.

I was about to ask him if he was okay, but stopped myself. He obviously wasn't, but I wasn't sure how to approach the topic. He came to a stop in front of me, and blinked, like he was just noticing me standing there. There was a mix of emotions in his eyes, and it made my heart ache to see it.

I offered him a kind smile and said the first thing that came to mind. "Let's go grab some ice cream."

I was expecting him to deny my invitation, or completely ignore me. Hell, I wouldn't have put it past him to yell at me. Instead, he lowered his head to hide behind his shaggy hair and nodded.

I didn't say anything more and began to lead him down the street. The whole trip was silent, and I waited for him to bring up what was bothering him, if he wanted to even bring it up. We ended up sitting at a nearby park, a pint of ice cream in hand.

I stole glances at him, and he had seemed to have calmed down a bit. He just looked lost in thought, and possibly sad. I wondered what had happened, but again I wasn't going to pry.

"Ice cream is always nice on hot nights like these, don't you think?" I asked crossing my legs under me.

Kags nodded in reply not saying much. I guess he wasn't in a talking mood. That was fine, I could talk enough for the both of us.

"Thanks for coming with me. I couldn't take how quiet my house is. With both my parents working so much they're hardly home now, so it kind of creeps me out to be there by myself." I let out a small giggle taking another spoonful of ice cream. He continued to stay quiet, slowly eating his ice cream.

"I guess I can't complain too much though. My parents love their jobs, so they're happy. Then when they do have a day off they spoil me with attention which is also nice."

"How do you do that?" He suddenly said, startling me a bit.

"Hm?" I replied confused, my spoon hanging half way out of my mouth. Very attractive.

"How do you stay so positive all the time?" He met my eyes with his ocean blues. "You always have a smile on your face, and it's like nothing gets to you."

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