Sweet Tooth - 3 (Sugawara)

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Chapter 3

The weekend had came quickly, and I hadn't seen much of Suga since I gave him the Macaroons. The volleyball team was really cracking down on their training which meant I was back to spending my lunch and breaks by myself. I didn't mind so much anymore, even with the weird stares and comments from the other students. I just replayed the words Suga had told me, and it was enough to get me through the day.

Today there wasn't any school, and the rest of my family had gone out for the day. I didn't have any plans which left me laying about at home. I was deciding whether or not I wanted to start a new tv series or go out to a movie when my phone rang.

I sat up looking over the number and saw Suga's name flash across the screen. I gasped as my heart started pounding loudly in my ears. I had exchanged numbers with Suga and Daichi when we had began studying together, but I didn't think they would actually call me. We barely even sent texts to each other.

Maybe it was a homework question? Why else would he be calling me. I picked up my phone clearing my throat before answering it.

"Hello?" I said sweetly.

"Hey, it's me. Sorry if I'm interrupting something." Suga's voice sounded a bit more rugged over the phone.

"No, no you aren't. Why, is everything okay?" I asked picking the lint off my blanket on my bed.

"Yeah, uh, I'm fine. I just um," was he nervous? "Are you free right now?" He then asked.

I felt my whole body tense up at his question. He was asking if I was free! Wait, I had to calm down, it could be nothing.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything." I reply.

"Great, would you like to hang out today?" He asked.

What was breathing again? I had to keep myself from screaming in excitement.

"Uh, sure, I would love to." I tried to sound natural and not like I was completely freaking out.

"Awesome, I'm close to your place. I can meet you there and then maybe we can grab a bite somewhere?" He suggested.

Holy shit was this happening? Was this real life?

"Sounds perfect." I said with a wide grin splitting my face.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes." He said and with that we hung up.

I bolted out of my bed and raced to the bathroom. I was so thankful that my skin decided to love me today, and all I had to worry about was styling my hair. I combed through it deciding that leaving it down looked best.

Going back to my room I practically ransacked my closet. I had to wear something cute if I wanted to impress Suga. I couldn't be seen in any old t-shirt and jeans combo.

I paused pulling out an oversized T. Was I looking too much into this? Maybe it wasn't what I was thinking. What if this was just some casual friendly hang out? He did say we were hanging out, this wasn't a date.

I look over my clothes again feeling a bit deflated. I shouldn't go all out if this was just a friendly hang out, right? I had no idea what I was doing.

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