Play Date - 3 (Tsukishima)

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*Warning: Slight Mention of mental and health disorders. By no means is it an attack on those who have it, and I am not trying to make light of it.*

Chapter  3

I blew out a breath trying to get my nerves under control. I had just gotten to school, and had to prepare myself to face off my so called group of friends. After a lot of thinking, I had decided to come clean and tell them that the date hadn't happened. I no longer wanted to lie, and pretend to be this person I wasn't. Talking to Kei opened my eyes to something I had been missing for a long time, and now I really wanted to find it again.

I looked down at my phone to check the time, but the photo I had set as my background caught my attention. It was probably weird that I had set the picture Tsuki had taken as my phone's wallpaper, but it made me happy looking at it. It wasn't like anyone could tell it was him anyway. 

"Hey." I yelped in surprise hearing Kei come up behind me.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket hoping that he hadn't seen the picture on my screen. I looked up at him with a sheepish smile, receiving his usual mischievous smirk.

"Hi." I greeted him.

"You look ready to pass out." Kei replied with a more snarky tone than a concerned one. "Did you eat something nasty for breakfast?"

"No, actually," I looked down at my shaking hands. "I was planning on coming clean to the girls." I said looking back up at the tall blonde. His brows shot up as he gave me an unsure once over.

"I'm tired of lying and  trying to prove to people, who don't actually like me, that I'm worth their time." I stared at him with a serious gaze before saying my next few words. "And I really want to show that I'm worth trusting."

He stared down at me smart enough to understand what I was saying. This wasn't enough to earn his trust, I knew that, but it was a start. Something had shifted in our relationship yesterday, I couldn't place what it was, but I felt closer to him somehow, and for some odd reason I wanted to get even closer.

He didn't say anything, he just stared. If I didn't know any better I think I rendered him speechless. However, I did know better and waited for a smart ass reply. It never came though. Instead he reached out towards me.

My eyes widened as I felt him carress the side of my cheek and leaned forward. I swear I felt my soul leave my body as I watched his face get closer to mine until it was inches away. What was he doing? Was he going to kiss me? Here?

"Meet me on the roof for lunch." He whispered into my ear. 


I pulled my head back slightly so I could look up at him. He had his troublesome smirk back on his lips, and his eyes had darkened making him look a bit sinister. My breath hitched in my throat as his eyes darted back and forth from my eyes to my mouth.

"You know, if we consider it a real date you wouldn't be lying." He said low into my ear.

I swallowed not really comprehiding what he had said. I was too busy fighting the feelings his tone of voice erupted inside of me. He didn't need to say it like that, and he knew it.

God, it just wasn't fair how good looking he was. He smelt as good as he looked too. How had I not noticed it before?

He pulled back and surprisingly enough I was dissapointed. I blinked getting my thoughts back in order. What the hell was that?

"Remember, lunch." He gave me another cocky smirk and turned to leave.

What the actual hell? How did he do that? I was so much stronger than that, but one touch and I was puddy in his hands!

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