Chapter 8

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Hey. Remember Bane? Yeah, well he is dead. I killed him. And only with a wooden spoon.

Mari's POV

I am getting ready to duel Batman and I don't surmise that he can overcome me. I mean, he may be very well trained but I am a FRICKING LADYBUG, so beat that. "Mr. Wayne? Are we going to only use hand to hand combat or will we use weapons?" I asked him.

"I think hand to hand combat should work the best in my opinion. It is the only way to determine your strength. Not your ability to use katanas," He answered whilst looking at Damian.

"Ok. Are you ready to begin?" He nodded.

"Ok guys. No killing. *cough* Mari *cough*, no destroying property of any kind, and only body parts should be used to fight. No laser beams or telekinesis. Got it? Good. Now battle!" Damian stated the rules to us as I predicted every approach Bruce would be able to make.
He started coming towards me. I closed my eyes and jumped up doing a backflip. Bruce was shell-shocked by my flexibility since he wasn't paying attention when I was flying. I used him to catapult myself to the other side of the room. He turned around to see me smiling. He rushed forward at me again and I stood still. He punched my stomach. I felt no pain. I am Kryptonian after all. He was startled by my ability to withstand his very brawny punch. He looked at me like he was unperturbed at my simple action. He made eye contact and as he did I grabbed his arm as twisted it behind him with my heel on his foot (or as the rest of the world calls it: meter).

"Something wrong? You seem in pain? Do you want to forfeit. No hard feelings if you do," I told him.

Damian's POV

How is Mari taking him down? He is literally the dark knight and is getting destroyed by a 19 year old. She is so amazing.

"Ok! Ok! I can't anymore! I give in!!" He said after being slapped around for a solid half an hour. I know how that feels. I've been there. Anyways, I went over to Mari to congratulate her.

"Malak, that was very impressive! You took down THE Bruce Wayne!!" I hyped her for her victory as she drank her water from how 'tired' she was. I mean, this girl can take down Batman and not even at full strength. I should probably figure out my feelings before I tell her what's on my mind. "Hey, dad?" He looked over, "just thought you should know the Marinette will be staying with us for about a week. I already told Alfred and he is ok with it."

"Yeah, umm, I actually challenged Alfred for the kitchen so I kind of need to duel him today. I need training," She told us and Bruce didn't understand what she meant

"Why do you need training? You have taken me down so what more can you do. Also, why did your voice get distorted and doubled before our fight?" He asked her.

"My voice? Oh, do you want the short story of long story?"

"In between, I have time, but I do request we move to the living room because I hate standing." He chuckled at his own words and she nodded and directed everyone to sit down in the other room. "So why don't you inform me?" Bruce asked.

"Ok well since I was little, a demon followed me and told me to kill Damian whenever he and I were alone. I denied doing such and instead, he told me I could just kill the one I love most when I moved to Paris, but for me to do that, he has to possess to make sure it got done. He told me to murder my best friend and I said no,  I killed his cousin instead and then I killed Adrien like 2 years after that, aka, this week. Basically, I was possessed by a demon and I got rid of him forever now.  I was what made the world so 'perfect'. Even though there are still flaws in the world, I was the reason it doesn't collapse because of the imbalances. For example, when Damian was revived by the Lazarus Pit, the demon told me to kill Adrien, but instead, Felix got killed. The only reason Damian didn't die when he was 13 was because I spared his life and made a deal to kill someone else. That's my short version anyway. So when the demon was talking with me and agrees with what I'm saying, most of the time, he would speak with me," She told us and I was surprised how passionate she was when speaking about the demon in her. She clearly grew attached to it. I guess we can't remove it from her.

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