Chapter 12

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If you have a million dollars, spend it at some point. That's what I would do. Anyways, I found a penny. It has President Lincoln on it which I think means it's very rare. TO THE STORY!!!!!!

Damian's POV

I told Mari that we should race up the Louvre Pyramid and I am pretty confident that I will win. I mean, I am pretty fast and have climbed mountains before, so I think I can easily climb glass. We made our way over and surprisingly, it wasn't too busy. "Are you ready, Malak?"

"I will make it to the top before you and I can guarantee that." She seemed very confident but I don't think she can beat me.

"Alright, ready and go!" I screamed and we ran towards the pyramid. We climbed up it and she stopped. "What's wrong, Angel?"

"You're very slow. I'm like, 15 feet ahead of you," She said.

"Darling, you have to calm down. I will catch up and win." I was trying to gloat, but then,

"Ok then. Do it." She said as her eyes turned to to beams. She used her breath to blast me farther down. She started sprinting to the top. She made it and I was about three quarters the way, breaking the glass she stepped on.

"I guess you win," I deadpanned. She pretty much fainted and slid down the pyramid. I guess it was too much for her lungs to handle. There were police officers everywhere. I caught her and had to walk her down in front of all the cops. They are definitely going to arrest us.

"Put your hands in the air!" A cop shouted. Couldn't he tell that I had someone in my arms?

"With all do respect, officer. I am holding someone and I do not think that would be possible." I said which he did not like one bit. (referencccccccce)

"Set down the girl and put your hands in the air! Don't make me say it again!" He screeched louder into a megaphone.

"Ok, ok. Are you arresting her as well?" I asked in a collected manner.

"Yes now walk closer and we will get the girl. Move in!" A cop said.

"She's pretty cute." I heard one say behind me.

"Don't touch her!" I shouted at them as I turned around.

"Threatening an officer? How dare you! What if I carried her to the police car? How would you feel?" He was trying to get under my skin. My blood was boiling. I was about to kill him and his whole squad if he didn't step away from her.

"Don't make me angry! If I'm angry, I will kill somebody and it will probably be you!" I yelled at him coming a little closer.

"Empty threat! You could and will never kill anyone! You are unarmed and unskilled!" Oh was this making me want to kill him and all the witnesses.

"Wanna bet?" I got out the other katana I wasn't telling Mari about and I charged at him.

"Someone detain him immediately!!" The officer said in fright.

"If only there was anyone to help you. You see, I kill clean and easy. Unlike Damian so if you want to touch me, then expect to be killed. If you apologize right now, I will not kill you or your other friends over there," Mari menaced. I guess she gained consciousness while I was threatening the guy.

"I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do." He was trying to seem strong. Pity for him.

"Then so be it," Mari said as she took her hand and stabbed him with a knife she kept up her sleeve primarily for self defense. There was no blood which didn't make any sense. Then, I saw the blood trickle down his throat and onto the floor. Fascinating, honestly. The color was so light yet so dark. Like her eyes when they are charged up. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. (Referenccccccccce)

"Officers, stand your ground. She is a threat and will most likely kill you if you go near her. I'm sure her boyfriend is dangerous, too." They were scared out of their minds. I mean, my Angel frightens me slightly when her eyes turn that color.

"We have to get out of here." I nodded.

"Alright, let's leave." I grabbed her hand and we floated up towards the hotel we were staying at. I gave a two finger salute as we started drifting over there. "Malak, are you ok?" Her eyes were normal once we got in our room.

"I'm fine. Give me a minute."

"Do you want water or something?"

"I SAID GIVE ME A MINUTE, GOSHDAMN YOU!!" I stopped looking at her. She breathed heavily and I heard a knock at the door. I looked at Mari. She nodded indicating I could answer. I opened it and a man was at the door. Not just any man. It was what I would guess is an akuma. Good thing I packed my suit.

"Where is Marinette?"

"Not a chance. Who are you?"

"I am The Voice. I need to see Marinette right now!" It was definitely Luka.

"She's not home. Can I take a message?"

"I'm not having your crap!" He grabbed me by the face and pushed me. I did not have time to react. "Marinette!" He walked up to her. I grabbed my katanas.

"No way are you gonna touch her!" I leaped toward him and landed my blade on his necklace. It cracked and a purple butterfly flew out. He was surrounded by a purple color and then turned back into Luka.

"Demon, what just happened?"

"I kinda- um. I'm not sure." Luka stood up from off of the ground.

"Luka, leave really quick."


"JUST LEAVE!!" He ran. "Tikki, Spots On!" Huh? In front of me stood Ladybug. What?

Sorry... I started writing another story in my drafts so I didn't have enough time to give this chapter a lot of depth. Merry Christmas and have an amazing rest of the year! Let's move on from it. Also, I'm really tired..


E anotha' one!

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