Chapter 7

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As promised Bananacowsalad

The Demon's Backstory

The demon used to be a human like everyone else. Then he became a guardian of the Miracle Box. He betrayed everyone and was cursed to be turned into a ghost. No one could see him. He was gone without a trace. He soon got bored and hid in a temple and studied this girl. He found out her name was Marinette. One day he was following her. "I know you're there. Show yourself." The demon stepped out and he didn't think she would be able to see him. "What is your name, demon?" He didn't understand how she saw him but she did.

"My name was Sam but was changed to Amon after I became a demon. I have been observant of you, Marinette. You need to work on your reflexes." He told her. He just needed a friend.

"I guess I don't have the quickest reflexes. Talia says I need to work on this fazing technique that makes it look like there are a lot of me. It's really hard and she isn't helping that much with it. Do you know it?" He knew this technique very well. It was his best. He nodded his head.

"In order for me to show you, I need to possess you. Don't worry, it won't be for long."

"Ok but just make sure I can see."

"Of course. Here." he went through her and he was now in control. He hasn't been in a human body in a while. Oh, did he miss it. It was like he had his life back. "The first thing you need to do is this stepping motion that has a beat like dun dun dum. Got it?"

I think. She said in her mind for him to hear.

"Ok you got it? See what I'm doing?"

Yep. I think I have it.


Can I have my body back?

"Mmmmm not just yet. I haven't had a body in a while."

But you said that you would only show me the technique?

"No I said it wouldn't be long. Not after I show you it."

You misled me!

"We demons tend to do that."

"Now, I need to kill someone. Where can I do that. You can have your body back once I do that."

Ugh. In the hall we have a ton of kidnapped people we can kill. Find the weakest and kill them.

"I must kill the strongest. That's the only way."

Whatever. Just don't stain the battle mat. Clean it up once you are done.

"Ok. I won't kill with any blood then."

What do you mean?

"I will kill using that technique. It will be excruciatingly painful for the guy. Also, now the technique is in your memory so you should be able to use it."

Good. Talia will be delighted to hear I have mastered it. How will you kill him, though? The technique doesn't kill. It is a form of trickery and illusion.

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