- Chapter Four -

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After that day, Luna's thoughts only raced with that of Izuku Midoriya. What he was doing, what he was thinking about, what he was writing in that notebook - her thoughts were plagued with him. And it felt like forever before Monday finally came.

Sunday was just that day before school where Luna and Keigo made sure she bought everything for school and had everything ready. Her notebooks, her books, her uniform primed and pressed, and her anxiety to be calm enough for her to feel ready. She did feel nervous and a bit upset that she would be the only person at a new school, but she had to stay strong. She had to make sure she had a positive attitude if she was gong to survive her new life in Japan.

However, during Sunday, the two teenagers texted each other every second of that day. They got to know each other better and the two managed to find too many things to talk about. Izuku even educated Luna on the top heroes on Japan, both new and old. However, he seemed to talk a lot about All Might. Luna made a mental note that All Might was Izuku's favorite hero. But she wasn't allowed to complain. She was the one that mainly talked about her mom.

By Monday morning, Luna was all dressed and ready for school. She was wearing her uniform, which was all black and it also had a skirt instead of pants. Now Luna was the type of girl that hated skirts, so having to wear one was terrible for her. But she had to suck it up. She also made sure she brushed her teeth, combed her hair, grabbed her backpack, and had breakfast eaten before heading to the door.

Keigo had also woken up as well. Since he was a hero, he didn't have to wake up early or leave at any specific time. So when she woke up, he just had a shirt and sweatpants on. The two ate breakfast together before it was time for Luna to wait outside of the apartment building for Izuku to walk her to school.

"Now, do you have everything you need?" Keigo asked once again like he did the night before.

"Yes, Uncle Keigo." Luna replied in a robotic tone of voice. They went over this just last night, so why was he asking all of this again? Was he nervous too?

"All of your books? Your phone? Your pencils? Your pepper spray? Your..." He listed off so many things that she already had in her backpack. Yep, he was nervous just as she was.

"Uncle Keigo." She snapped, but kept her voice in a gentle yet stern tone, "I have everything that you just listed and so much more. We already made sure I had everything last night, so I'm prepared for today. I promise."

Keigo let out a small sigh. "Sorry, kid, I know I'm being annoying, but I'm just a little anxious. When I was your age, I didn't have to worry about being the new kid. Hell, when I was your age, I didn't have to worry about too many things expect for which girlfriend I had that week."

"Is that how you became so single as of right now?" Luna asked in a teasing tone and laughed.

"Ouch, kid!" The winged hero put a hand on his heart and pretended to look hurt, but also laughed.

"Kidding, kidding. But I understand. Trust me, I'm anxious too, but I'll be fine. I promise." The young girl replied, finally putting on her pastel purple sneakers and then tucked away her wings before putting on her gray colored backpack. She then looked back at her uncle and ran to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

Keigo groaned at the sudden impact, but he then smiled and held his last family member close. "If anything happens, let me know. And if you want to leave early or you can't handle your new school, call me and I'll pick you up. We'll even have some chicken nuggets for dinner."

"Yeah, because that's healthy." She joked again before pulling away, the two now staring at each other. "But alright, I will. I love you, Uncle Keigo."

The Hero and the Angel || Izuku x OC || (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora