- Chapter Twenty-Four -

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Around a few hours later, Izuku was finally finished with his treatment. At least for today. He was told specifically to come back tomorrow, even though he wished that it all would've been over and done with today. But he nor Luna argued, and were thankful that there wasn't too much damage to his arms, even if the left one was in bandages and the right one was in a cast. Still, it could've been a lot worse.

As they left, All Might stayed behind with Recovery Girl in her office. However, as Luna closed the door behind them, she saw the pro-hero give a thumbs up and a wink. To which she responded with a scowl and a shaking fist. She didn't need anymore embarrassment today, but it only seemed to keep biting her in the ass.

They were now free to return back to their class, even though it was already late afternoon and the pair had missed all of their afternoon classes. In fact, it was almost time for school to be let out for the day. Which was good for Luna, as she could be able to stay in her room and catch up on the assignments she missed, even if she did have to stay up late.

As the two new lovers walked down the hallway to their classroom, Luna couldn't help but stare at the caramel orangish-yellow sunset that shined through the windows. She adored the color, and found it interesting how it made their shadows shine behind them. So much so that it made her wings flutter just a bit. It was aesthetically pleasing to her, even though she never had the guts to wear anything orange, given her mint-green hair.

The two lovestruck teens seemingly walked together in silence. But both were aware of the other's bright red face and shy expressions. They hadn't spoken to one another since their confession, but it seemed that they were very lost on what to say.

Izuku was the first to speak, deciding to take the leap of faith. "I'm sorry I made you miss all of your afternoon classes." He said softly, "I would've understood if you left me to deal with the treatment by myself."

"And leave you alone while I nearly had a heart attack combined with a panic attack? No thank you!" She responded in a sassy way, "And besides, I'm glad I stayed behind with you. Even if I am still worried that Aizawa might choke me with his scarf." She shuttered and rubbed her neck out of fear. She didn't feel like becoming another Marie Antoinette or Anne Boleyn.

The green haired boy laughed. "I think he's probably going to choke me more than you. I was the one who was reckless and used my Quirk!" He exclaimed, "Which I know was stupid, and I'm sorry again for that."

She sighed with a smile. "You know you apologize way too much. More than I do, actually." She teased, "But it's fine, Izuku, really. It was the heat of the moment type plan, and it was all you could think of. Trust me, I have a feeling that things would've gotten a lot more insane had you not used your Quirk. And besides, you're all healed now and you've returned to the world of the living. So believe me when I say that I'm alright, and I'm not mad. How could I be mad at the man I love?"

Her cheeks burned brightly as she said that, and her heart skipped a beat. But she wasn't going to take back what she said. How could she when they had already marked themselves as lovers with their confession and kiss? There was no reason to hide anything anymore.

Izuku blushed the same shade of red and scratched his cheek with his bandaged hand. "W-well, okay then, I-if you say so." He replied shyly. He then stopped and look up at her quizzically, "So, umm, does this mean that since you and I.... I mean, me and you...."

She raised an eyebrow at his question, wondering what it was that he was trying to ask her. "We what?"

He swallowed loudly. "D-does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend? Y-you know, since we... kissed and, you know, confessed and everything else."

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