- Chapter Twenty-Seven -

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Now Luna had never had claustrophobia, but upon that day, she fully understood why people were afraid of crowded spaces. She felt entirely trapped in that damned hallway and it didn't help that everyone was screaming and pushing each other. It also didn't help that her wings were showing themselves, which made things more cramped for her. She was trying her best to stay close to Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya as best as she could, hoping that they wouldn't be unknowingly trampled by these frightened flock of students.

"Stop shoving so hard!" One of the male students barked.

"Wait, I'm getting trampled!" A female student whined.

"I said, stop pushing me!" Another male student exclaimed angrily.

Luna searched around like a frightened hen as she tightly held onto Izuku's arm, as if making sure she wouldn't be dragged away. "Guys, grab onto me!" She ordered.

Her friends obeyed and each grabbed onto her; Izuku locked his arm around her left one, Ochaco held the sleeve of Luna's right arm, and Tenya grabbed the back of Luna's jacket. From the looks of things, they were a few feet away from the door, but were rather close to the large windows that showed the campus grounds.

"Ow! This is a total mob!" Ochaco whimpered.

"Everyone was quick to react, as I'd expected from U.A Students!" Tenya explained.

"Sure, but they're also causing a huge panic!" Izuku responded as his head searched around for the exit.

"Huge panic my foot, this is a total nightmare!" Luna yelled in a cracking voice. Suddenly, she felt the arm that Izuku was holding onto suddenly being let go. She gasped out of fear as she turned her head, seeing her boyfriend being pulled away by the current of other students. "Izuku, no!"

Izuku screamed as he held his hand out to her, a look of fear written in his deep green eyes. "I'm sorry, Luna, I can't stop this!" He squeaked, "Get out of here, I'll catch up with you!"

"Oh no, Izuku!" Ochaco gasped in surprise.

"Godspeed, Midoriya!" Tenya exclaimed through the crowd.

"NO!" Luna screamed as she tried to wriggle her way through the crowd, her wings fluttering uncontrollably out of fright. But before she could leave, she felt herself being pulled back. She turned her head and saw that she was being held back by Tenya, who still held onto her jacket. She looked back at him as she started to push him off. "Let go of me, Tenya! I need to save him!"

"He will be fine, Luna! He told us to go on ahead, and we have to obey his orders! What matters now is us getting safely out of this mob! I don't believe that he would want us to be violent to other students who are just as frightened as we are!" The blue haired boy shouted, "He will be alright, I promise you!"

Luna growled as she took a deep breath. Although she didn't want to admit it, he was right. Izuku was strong and clever, he would be able to get out of this. What mattered now is getting her, Ochaco, and Tenya out of this stampede. "Fine, we'll try and get to the front!"

"Why is this happening though? Who could've trespassed into the school?" Ochaco questioned as she tightened her grip on the other's arm.

The winged girl turned her head to the window before gasping at the sight, which only made her even angrier. "I know the reason."

Tenya made a small questioning hum before he too turned his head, then gasped at the sight. "It's the press that was outside!" He exclaimed.

Somehow and someway, the press had made it passed the security system and were now questioning Aizawa and Present Mic, most likely for the whereabouts of All Might. She felt so stupid now. Here she was being worried that a villain got in, but it was just the paparazzi giving her another reason to dislike their existence. But the question was how did they get passed the system? Aizawa promised her that no one except a student, staff, or other could get in.

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