- Chapter Fifteen -

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And so, the eight part psychical test began. Each test, as Luna found, was not as difficult as she imagined them to be. It began with a 50 meter dash, then a grip strength test, then a standing long jump, then a repeated side steps, and then the fifth test, which was the test that Luna already did so she did not have to participate in, the ball throwing test.

During those tests, as stated before, they were not difficult for her. During the 50 meter dash, she was able to use her wings to become quicker. She was able to accomplish it in 7.6 seconds. It wasn't much, but it was quicker than all the other times she had timed herself with flying. It also helped that she was going up against a guy that was much shorter than her with what looked like puffy purple hair, and was also looking up at her as though she was a slice of cake. And it made her uncomfortable.

For the grip strength test, she didn't do so well on that one. She was more of the speedster kind of girl rather than a strength one, which she left to Izuku to have. She knew that everyone would be using their quirks on all of these tests, but she couldn't exactly use her wings on this grip test - which was meant to be used with her arms. But it did help that she had been training with All Might and with Izuku, so her grip test score was 51.0 kilograms. It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible either. And it was nothing compared to the duplicate arms guy who hit 540 kilograms.

In the standing long jump test, one again, she relied on her quirk and came out strong. So far, it seemed that she was doing well with the tests using her wings, which made her more confident on where she would be in this overall test. But she couldn't help but watch Izuku's progress on each of these tests. He wasn't doing so great on the three tests so far, which made her worried. If he left her, she'd be alone in a school full of people she didn't have a connection with. And being alone was the last thing she wanted to be again...

In the fourth test, the repeated side steps, she was shown to be average in that area. Although the short purple guy, who made tiny bushes of the purple puffy balls that seemed to come from his head, was doing well. Possibly because he had put the bushes of balls next to him and was bouncing right off of them. Well, the guy may have been a creep, but at least he seemed smart with using his quirk.

And finally came the fifth part of the test, the ball throwing test. Aizawa had told her that she didn't need to participate because she had already done the test, so the other twenty members of the class would have to. All that was left after this was the distance run, sit ups, and the seated toe touch. She stood next to Izuku and Uraraka once again though the two green haired teens had locked eyes on each other. She looked at Aizawa, who wasn't paying attention to them for a second, before leaning down and whispering, "How are you feeling, Izuku?"

"Really nervous, if I can be honest..." He whispered back with his shaky but trying to remain determined voice, "But I'm trying my best. So that should be all that matters, right?"

Luna couldn't help but grin and chuckle. "There's my confident boy." She then realized what she had said as her eyes widened, and her face turned hot. "I-I mean, umm, I-I didnt-"

Although Izuku's face was the same shade of bright red, he couldn't help but smile back and looked up at her. "I-it's okay, I-I liked it." He whispered shyly and showed his likeness, or something else beyond that, of being called her's. This made Luna feel much more relaxed before the test finally began.

Luna took a deep breath and calmed down, although she continued to hear her heart pounding hard at what she had just done. But while she waited and watched the rest of the class, she had made sure to remember a little bit about these new classmates as much as she could. She had made sure to watch and observe them while the tests were going on, although she tried so hard not to do it in a creepy way. But she couldn't help but still think that Izuku was truly rubbing off on her.

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