- Chapter Two -

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"And the winner is

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"And the winner is.... Me!" Keigo exclaimed as him and his country-hybrid niece landed on the balcony of his apartment. The winged hero let out a triumphant laugh as he was being bombarded with hits from Luna in a joking manner. As if on cue, the two also tucked away their wings in their backs since they were now safe in their location.

"That was so not far! You cheated! I know you did, you jerk!" The girl exclaimed with light laughs as she continued to playfully hit him.

"Cheating is for villains, my sweet niece. You think that I, a pro hero, would cheat just to win a simple race against my own niece?" He asked in a fake hurtful tone.

Luna rose an eyebrow and gave him a "Really?" look that proved she didn't believe him. "Yes!"

"Well you're right, I totally did." He smirked and winked down at her, which only earned him another couple of hits, "Ow, ow! Hey, kid, calm down! I may be young, but I still bruise like a banana sometimes!"

"Right, right, sorry." She laughed again and pulled away from hitting him, "I forget that bruising easily runs in the family." She looked at the balcony's door, "So this is where you come in sometimes? Is it locked?" She peaked inside to see that the room had boxes, an empty bed, a dresser, a desk, a closet, a bookshelf, a television on top of the dresser, and a nightstand. She knew at this moment that this was meant to be her room. So he was right, her stuff did come in early.

"Yeah, and I always make sure it's locked. But there's always a key." He pointed down to the "Welcome" mat that was in front of the balcony doors. He then leaned down and flipped up a bit of the mat, revealing a small key. He then gently put the key into the key hole, turned it for a moment, and then pulled the key out. He then opened the door and motioned to the room. "Welcome to your new room, Lu."

Luna blinked and instantly smile. The room was much bigger than she thought it was going to be. The walls were a simple color of light lavender purple and there were a lot of outlets for her to plug things into. She could already imagine where everything would go and what sort of posters she would put up. "It's amazing, uncle. Thank you so much." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"Hey, don't sweat it, kiddo. Anything for you." He said with a smile, wrapping his own arms around the smaller girl. "Now, come on. We've got so much to do and so little time, at least I think so. Now, you're the one who wanted to eat while we unpack. So guess who has cold leftover pizza in his fridge we can chow down on?"

"Hmm, it depends. What's on the pizza?" She questioned as the two entered inside the room and closed the door behind them.

"What do you think? Meat lovers, of course." He exclaimed in a goofy way.

Luna just smiled and placed a hand on her heart. "Oh, uncle, you know me so well! But I hope that there's no chicken. I mean, I'm a chicken lover too, but I think you're going a little overboard with your love." She teased, which earned her a playful shoulder shove from said uncle.

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