- Chapter Ten -

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And so, ten months went by. Ten very long, agonizing, hard, months of training for the young angel and the quirkless boy. But honestly, the two did not regret a single bit of training that they went through - even though it was hell.

Although it was more hell for Izuku, since he didn't have a quirk and it seemed that All Might was putting him through the ringer, Luna's training wasn't exactly all that relaxing either. Although All Might promised that he would be training her, he was both truthful and a bit of a liar on that part. He didn't let her help in cleaning up the beach, since he claimed that it was Izuku's job, but he did put her through studying for whatever could possibly be on the written exam, training the different muscle groups in her body (not from cleaning the trash, but rather with lifting weights), training up her wings (by also using the weights), and building up her body with a diet as well as exercising.

But then she also had to deal with school and studying to graduate. Not only that, but her uncle was also training her. He was unaware that she was training with Izuku and All Might, but he could see that she was training with building up her strength in her body and in her wings, so he decided to train her with using her wings to fly, speed around quicker, avoid obstacles, and use her wings much better as a sword rather than a shield, which was what she normally relied on.

However, as the training continued on, the more time Izuku and Luna, both now fifteen years old, spent together when they could. They had grown closer to one another to the point where they could name everything about the other person. For example, Luna knew that Izuku had a whole collection of hero journals, and Izuku knew that Luna could play the violin. And it seemed that their confusing feelings for once another was growing stronger, to where they almost knew what it meant. Well, Izuku knew at least, but Luna was still unsure of herself.

For the young girl, it seemed as though ten months passed by like a montage in a movie. Expect rather than watching it, she was living in. But that montage seemed to end on the night before the entrance exam. That night, Luna had gotten herself ready to go to bed in an oversized brown shirt, black sleep pants, and pink fuzzy socks as her wings were free to be seeen. She yawned, passing by the mirror before stopping herself and looked at herself clearly. She had hardly recognized herself.

She was no longer the skinny young girl that she was when she came to Japan ten months ago. Instead, she was much more filled out. She even lifted up her oversized shirt and saw that she had grown a bit of abs. Not only that, but her wings had grown bigger and fuller. So much bigger it seemed that they were close to being as tall and grown as her uncle's and her mother's. She gave a small triumphant laugh out of seeing this, and she started to have much more confidence. Not only was she ready body wise, but she was also ready mentally, psychically, and emotionally. She knew that she was ready for the exam tomorrow. But she was unsure if Izuku was. All Might said that he had been over working himself three months ago, but she did not know if that had gotten better or worse.

Her thoughts were cut off by the sudden knocking at her door. Quickly, she pulled down her oversized shirt and opened the door, seeing that it was just her Uncle Keigo in his own pajamas; a black shirt, blue sweatpants, and black socks. "Hey kid." He greeted, "Just wanted to come in and wish you goodnight."

Luna rose an eyebrow and gave a little laugh. "Uncle Keigo, I'm not five, you know. You don't need to wish me goodnight." She said but still opened the door wider for him to enter.

"But you're not saying no, though." He said with a playful grin as he closed the door behind them while Luna tucked her wings away and walked over to her bed. She then sat down, tucking herself under the light grey bedsheets and laying her head against the light grey pillow.

"Of course not. Why would I?" She asked with a little laugh as her uncle walked over to her bed, sitting down on her left side, who laughed alongside her. She looked around her room, seeing that her room was now much more comfortable than it was when she first came here. In the beginning, her room was practically spacious and almost empty. But now it was like a normal teenager's room and was now comfortable enough for her to not feel like a bug floating in the empty sea.

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