- Chapter Five -

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A few moments passed before the two had arrived at the middle school. The two arrived at their shared first period together, happy that they had just enough time to relax before the period started. They spent a bit of the time talking about what had happened earlier that morning, Luna's classes and which ones included Izuku in them, and about the heroes that were on the scene as more students arrived into the classroom. At the end of the hero conversation, Izuku got out his hero observation notebook and began a page about Mt. Lady.

"I'm thinking she probably has a Gigantification quirk. Since she could make herself bigger, but she can't go smaller than her normal size." Luna explained.

Izuku nodded and began to write while he spoke out loud, "Well, she definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite and her quirk is really showy but it'll be kinda hard for her to get around much in the city without damaging lots of things. That means she might not be very useful..." He continued to mumble on as his pencil wrote quickly across the page.

"Izuku, you're mumbling again." Luna said calmly, putting a hand on top of his hand that was writing.

Izuku gasped softly in surprise before blushing, clearing his throat. "S-sorry, couldn't help myself. I-I talk out loud when I write sometimes." He explained, as if she didn't already know that.

Luna just laughed, "I know, I know. Hey, I was wondering if you were done with the page about me." She asked and tried to lean over to see the notebook, "Let me see what you wrote about me!"

Izuku gasped and tried to get the notebook from her grasp, laughing as the two struggled. "N-No, it's not done yet! I still need to add more stuff!"

"I don't mind! Come on, show me!" She whined, laughing with the green haired boy as she tried to take the notebook away.

But their fun time was interrupted by a new voice, one that Izuku knew too well. "Well, well, the new girl is already being bothered by the shitty Deku."

Izuku's eyes widened as his happy attitude turned into that of a nervous and scared one. "G-good morning, Kacchan..."

Luna blinked and pulled away from Izuku, seeing a strange boy and two other boys behind him. The two boys looked relatively normal, but the main boy was one that surprised her. He had abnormally spiked blonde hair, piercing red eyes, white skin, and a smirk that looked like it had hidden motives behind it. She guessed that this must be Katsuki Bakugo, or Kacchan as Izuku called him. She had been looking foreword to meeting him, and not to make friends.

"And who are you?" She asked, crossing her arms in a challenging way.

Bakugo scoffed softly. "It's only natural you don't know who I am." He ran a hand through his hair in a cocky way, "The name's Katsuki Bakugo. The next number one hero. And you're the new girl. Hawks' niece, right? The whole school's been buzzing about you."

"Well, my name is Luna Hirose, but yes, I'm Hawks' niece. I'm surprised people know who I am. Especially someone as seemingly important as you." She replied in a mocking tone, "May I ask what you want?"

"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to see if this damn nerd was bothering you." The blonde asked as he stalked over to Izuku's desk and slammed his hands in the desk, "Hey Deku! Are you bothering the new girl with your shitty quirkless dreams?"

Izuku jumped in fright at the sudden slam on the desk, shaking his hands. "N-no, Kacchan! I-I wasn't bothering her! We-we were just talking! We're friends, g-good friends!"

Bakugo laughed loudly. "You and her?! Friends?! Don't make me laugh!" He yelled, "Someone as famous as her with someone as quirkless as you can never be friends! She probably feels pity for you and is sparing your stupid feelings!"

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