- Chapter Twenty-Five -

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After having changed into her school uniform and gone home from the insane yet wonderful day that she had at school, Luna retreated to her house via flight. Her uncle had texted her that he would home late that evening, so she was going to be home alone. Which was good, as it gave her enough time to do her homework in peace and cook her own dinner.

Having grown up with countless babysitters, the girl had a talent for cooking. Nothing too spectacular, but she was able to follow a recipe on the back of any boxed meal or a cooking website. It actually gave her comfort to cook. Some of her best memories came from her learning to bake cupcakes, or a casserole dish. And if she hadn't planned on becoming a hero, she could've been a top-tier chef.

So when she arrived at home, Luna quickly put away her uniform and put it into the washer and dryer while she made herself a large ham and cheese omelet with a tall glass of milk. Since she wasn't on a time limit, she ate on her own schedule before cleaning up her mess. After cleaning what dishes she dirtied, she then retreated to her room to complete her homework.

The homework she received wasn't as bad as she thought. True, it was a lot, but she had eventually powered through it all. And most of it was easy stuff, since it was only the beginning week of school. The hero courses were a semi-breeze for her to complete. Having been raised by heroes her whole life, some of the questions were easy to answer. That and it never hurt to look for the answers in the textbooks.

What really concerned her was the standard school stuff, such as English and a few of the math problems. With English, she was never sure which answer was correct, because any of the words could be wrong or didn't need to be changed. And with math, she understood how to get the answers, but never quite knew which correct formula she needed to use. That, and she had always struggled with the more advanced math. She only hoped that it got easy from here.

With science, it was more of remembering specific facts and information. It was just a matter of keeping track of them in her mind and making sure to remember them as much as she could. It was the same for history, but this also required having to remember dates as well as facts and people. She supposed that she was one of those people that learned from repetition rather than only learning it once.

After having finished her homework, Luna had changed into her pajamas, brushed her teeth, laid out her freshly dried uniform for the next day, and went to bed around eleven-thirty at night. She quickly picked up her phone and set her alarm clock to around six in the morning. She was about to put her phone away.... But then she quickly went to Izuku's messages, and typed: "I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. I love you. And I hope you have sweet dreams. Goodnight for now."

She then quickly put her phone on her nightstand and smiled uncontrollably, squealing like a school girl. Her first boyfriend. Her first kiss. Her first fighting partner. How she had hoped her academic career with Izuku could always be like this. She then fell asleep with a smile on her face, and a promise of a better future.

~The next morning~

The alarm, which was the sound of very loud but beautiful blues music, instantly woke Luna up that morning. She groaned as she struggled to open her eyes, moving her hand around to try and grab her phone. But eventually, she grabbed it and weakly opened her eyes, quickly turning off the alarm. But when she did, she saw a message from Izuku that made her eyes shoot open and sit up straight from her bed.

The message read: "I can't wait to see you in class tomorrow. You have no idea how much I want to see you smile and look at me once again. I love you more, and hope you sleep well." The end of the message held a red heart emoji. The color of love and passion.

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