- Chapter Twenty-One -

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Unaware of much time had passed, Luna thankfully made it to the top floor of the building. She had made sure to stay as quiet as a church mouse could be as she silently made it inside. She quickly hid behind one of the pillars of the room that was closest to the door, but it thankfully allowed her to view everything else that was in the room. And she was pleased to see Iida and the weapon.

The top floor of the building was unique to the others. It had a lot of whitish-purple pillars, with the white walls. There was also a lot of windows, which made the room blossom with sunshine. And the room was clean expect for the weapon, which was a large black bomb with red strips on the top of its structure. She also saw Iida standing in front of the weapon, but he had his hand where his chin would be on his helmet and his back was turned away from the door.

From what she could see, he didn't notice her. But what exactly was he planning? Perhaps she could listen closely and once he was distracted enough, she could surprise him with an attack, defeat him, and safely take the weapon by herself. It would be tricky, but she had no choice. She couldn't just stay out of sight until Izuku got up here to help her. She was the ArchAngel's daughter, not some damsel in distress.

Besides, Izuku wasn't here to help her, since he was busy dealing with his childhood bully. So she had to face this 'final boss' by herself, even though her heart was tearing itself apart to go help her crush.

She was about to make her way out from behind the pillar before she heard Iida talk to himself. "Bakugo definitely has a villainous side. And that's exactly what we need to succeed in this mission. I need to temporarily devote myself to criminal intent." He pulled his hand away from his chin and stared down at the floor, "Yes, I won't fail this trail and risk bringing shame down on the Iida family name. That means...."

He clenched his fist tightly while Luna tucked herself even more behind the pillar, but made sure to keep a close eye on the blue haired boy. "I must now embrace evil... to become a hero!" He announced in a triumphant voice. He then took a deep breath and turned his body around, and Luna could sense a pretend dark and evil aura radiating off of him. "Behold! I am the personification of villainy!" His voice sounded like a cartoon villain, and it seemed as though he was getting into his role. And just for dramatic effect, he even did a pretend evil laughter.

Luna had to cover her mouth to keep the laughter from escaping

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Luna had to cover her mouth to keep the laughter from escaping. She knew that she had to take this fake mission seriously, just as Iida was doing, but she couldn't help it. "Oh my god, I wish I had a camera!" She whispered through her laughter. It was just too funny to watch someone as serious and strict as Iida become in tune with his role. It made her think that if Iida wasn't working to be a hero, perhaps he could do well as an actor.

After a few seconds, she then took a deep breath. If Iida was going to play the role of a villain, then she had no choice but to play the role of a hero. A hero who had done these kinds of rescue missions multiple times. Someone like All Might. Someone like her Uncle Keigo. Someone like... her mother. Luna gasped and shook her head aggressively. She couldn't be sad about her right now. Not while she was in an exercise mission where All Might and her classmates were watching them. She had to stay calm, and not let anyone view her as weak.

The Hero and the Angel || Izuku x OC || (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now