{Chapter 18}

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Damian's PoV

The bat family were gathered around the bat computers. Father had juat come back from a false attack, one that left a clue. By The Joker. There was a big red J symbol which kind of made it obvious that it was from non other than Joker. Now I'm just rambling.

Just before Timothy could start the video, my phone rang. I looked at them apologetically.

I flipped my phone out of my back jeans pocket and stared at the number. It seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"Hello?" I question.

"Damian, thank god at least your okay."


"The one and only." He chuckles but I could imagine his puffy red eyes and teary face.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask worry seeping-

No, I can't show emotion. I wasn't worried. Not concerned either.

I decided to put it on speaker so Father, Drake and Grayson could hear.

"It's Brian. And Nico. And Jason. And John and James. Nathan too."

"What about them?" I asked.

"Well, Jason agreed to take Nathan, Brian and Nico along to check one more time for James and John."

I heard a sniffle from the other line and then Elijah continued.

"It's been two days. I know you had fallout with the boys but please look for them. If not for Jason, for Brian and Nico. They still care about you. I'm worried, I don't want to lose all three of my sons. Please." Elijah finished.


"Guys. Look here. There are two blonde haired kids with grey eyes and a brunette with green eyes. I can also see a mop of raven hair with highlights." Grayson anounces.

"Wait, James, John, Brian and Nathan, are they okay." Elijah says worriedly.

"We'll have to watch the video to find out." Father's gruff voice states.

*Trigger warning* Torture/ gore

(Bold is what they see in the video)

So the video was started by the ridiculous cackle from Joker. Harley Quinn was there too.

"Wait let me video call so Elijah can see too." I say at the last minute. After switching it so Elijah could see the screen, all of us gasped.

This was the second time Joker killed someone I knew. Well I didn't know James persinally but he was a down right bitch to Brian.

His body was battered, bruised, and bloody. Then Joker opened his mouth.

"I have had so much fun with James." He cackled again. "To sad he died. Lasted longer than others though. Not long enough." He cackled once again.

I could see the fresh cuts and whip marks from his body. The crimson blood seeped out from his wounds. The lifless body laid still. Bruises faded from brown to blue to purple to black on places he was hit several times.

Then Harley Quinn spoke. "Johnny boy was a big softy. I had fun with my 'sessions' with him. There may be a few physical ones but he will be traumatized for life." She also cackled and I swear I would have crushed my phone.

Ekijah spoke up. I almost forgot he was the reason I was holding my phone. "That. Bastard. Killed. One. Of. My. Sons." His voice calm but pierced the silence that hung in the air. His deadly calm voice sent shivers down my spine and I could see the slight flinch of the people in the rest of the room. Even the fearless Batman.

The video continued and the silence coming from Elijah was eerie. He looked ready to kill someone.

"Yes. But Johnny boy here is protecting Brian. So far we haven't got to hit him but that will change soon." Joker cackled.

"As if you bastard-"

"Please don't John. I don't want to you to leave me too."

John tuts and looks away.

Nathan was leaning against the wall and was gasping for air to enter his lungs.

"It was fun crushing Nathan's wind pipe. Want to know what we all learned about him? His parent's were in the top mafia gang. They trained him to become like them, heartless assassins. But Nathan didn't listen. So they started to beat him. Verbal and physical abuse."

How could someone do such a thing? So what, he didn't want to be in the mafia? It was a good choice. I tut in annoyance. Now I see why Jason wants The Joker dead.

"I'm not asking you again you son of a bitch, where. The. Fuck. Is. Jason?!"

Nathan's voice was loud as hell. He was shaking with pure rage and fought ruthlessly to get out the chains.

"Oh, no need to worry about my favourite person here. Or the little boy. It's so much fun hurting the little one. The little birdie is going to be emotionally scared forever. You should hear him begging for him to be hurt not his 'baby boy'." Joker cackles.

Wow, Jason does care about someone else and not himself. I think to myself.

"Is it so fucking hard to let us go you psycopathic piece of shit!" Nathan shouts.

I honestly didn't want to be on his bad side. 

"Why, I haven't had so much fun since I killed Jason. He was a fun one to traumatize."

"That's it, do you guys know where this place is?" I heard Elijah ask.

"Leave it to the pros." Batman states.

"Yeah, but do you have the FUCKING GUTS TO KILL HIM? I'm telling you now Bruce, Richard, Tim and Damian, this psycpoth should have died ages ago. How many more people need to die for you to understand?" Elijah says, raising his voice with each word. He was pissed. But...

He actually has a point.

What did you all think of this? Was it actually worth your time for reading?

But anyways have a good day/night. 


Thank you for all the support. 😊


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