{Chapter 13}

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Jason's PoV

Nico led me into the room and rushed towards the bathroom. Elijah, John and James followed. Damian was nowhere in sight so I'm assuming he was in the bathroom too. As I entered the bathroom my eyes widen in horror.

There layed a bloody Brian, unconcious because of blood loss but worst of all was the cuts littered on his arms. Cuts he infilcted upon him self. The blood pooled on the floor, his body pale. I hear a gasp to my right and realize sooner than later it was Elijah. The twins had tears in their eyes, making them shine in the light of the bathroom.

The three of them had stopped in their track but I was quick to react. Now, I love the gore and blood but coming from a kid, it was wrong. And one who was only 12.

"Both of your money will be taken away. As well as your phones and the TV in your rooms. This is your fault. His death is on your hands." Elijah said in a monotone voice. His voice was so cold and emotionless.

The twins were stuck in place, their legs shaking.

The first thing I grabbed was the bandages. The antiseptic wipes were in a pale brown cupboard where there were many other pills.

"Dami, you and Nico clen up the blood on the floor, I'll clean all the wounds on Brian, Elijah, you go run a warm bath, not too hot. Twins you two can get lost. And next time think of what you say."

The two left whilst the others did their jobs I gave them.

"Elijah, also get some new clothes. Thanks." I say.

I got to work on cleaning his cuts. I took off his shirt and inspected some of the cuts on his arms. A majority of them were swollen and red but others seemed to be healed.

"Todd, is Brian going to be okay?" Damian asks.

"Yeah, his dad can just give him a bath and then he should wake up fresh and clean." I clarify with a nod.

This is the first time i've seen Dami conerened for someone.

"Well, while i've been gone you learnt how to be concerened for people."

"I will always be concerned about people that aren't you. Your a murderer who kills people for his own pleasure." Damian says.

Without an answer I walked into the guest room, sitting on the bed. Tonight I wouldn't sleep. I can't risk alerting everyone about my unworthy nightmares. I really am useless. Why couldn't I stay dead? I scoff at the thought. I wish I could change the last statement. If I died, no one would care or realize. But then a thought remained. What about Nico? I just couldn't leave the kid behind. He is too precious for anything to happen to him. And he is an extraordinary kid. He's inhumanly powerful and a smol bean.

I was reminded of his innocent obsidian black eyes, wide in wonder and amazement. His messy midnight black hair. He really does give off the emo goth vibe. I inwardly chuckle at the thought. I will protect him, even if I die in the process.

*In Da Morning*

I was true to my statement. I did not gain a winks sleep so now I was beyond exhausted. I walked into the trios room, waking them up for school. I gently shook Nico's shoulder, his eyes flickered open.

"Hey baby boy, wake up the other two and get ready for school. I'm dropping you off to school."
I inform him. Then I wandered out of the room to make us all some breakfast. Well everyone but me.

I got all the ingredients ready and started cooking.

Halfway through my journey of trying to flip the egg, 3 sets of footsteps were heard running down the stairs.

Damian was the first to enter the kitchen. He stopped at the sight of me. Geez, I know I'm a nuisance and an ugly pile of shit but you don't need to rub it in my face. I think to myself with an eyeroll.

I heard him scoff and say, "Todd, you cook?"

"What does it look like?"

Silence followed only because the other two came down and started to set out the plates.

When everyone but the twins were down, I served breakfast. But as usual Damian had to open his trap.

"How do we know you haven't poisened the food?"
Nico slapped him across the head.

"Because I've ate his food and nothing has happened to me."

"Leave it, Nico. Its not worth it." I say walking away.

I hear once again the little pitter patter of feet.

"Hey Nico, whats up?"

"I want you to come back to the kitchen and eat. Forget what Dami said. He's mean but don't let him get to you." Nico says.


And so I ate food, Elijah smiling a soft and fatherly smile, glad I ate something before work.

"Good, now that the kids are at school, let's go to work."

"Sure." I say whilst suppressing a yawn.

"Did you sleep last night?"

"Wasn't tired." I simply lie.

He looked like he didn't believe me but dropped the subject.

"Okay. I'm driving."

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