{Chapter 22}

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Dick's PoV

"Hey Jaybird. I know we haven't always got along, but I want a second chance too." I said with guilt.

"Yeah, it's all good. Honestly, I've had enough of this sappy lovey dovey stuff so I'm going to take Nico and get him some food." Jason said.

We all know he was afraid to talk to Bruce. And Bruce could sense it to. He did look hurt by the statement Jason just made.

"Nope, you mister are sorting things out. If Nico wants food, I'll get him food." Elijah said, gently pushing Brian and Nico out the door.

It was awkward. That's the first thing that came to mind.

"Hey Jason.." Bruce starts.

"Leave it Bruce. I'm fine." He said.

"No you're not. What we've been doing, what I've been doing was wrong. You were still one of my sons, I shouldn't have turned a blind eye on you just because of your attitude and personality. No one got to know you and I judged you to soon." Bruce was finding it difficult to phrase his words.

"I've always felt like all I was, was a disappointment to everyone. You know? Alfred was the only one who cared about me. When I was stuck on school work, he was the one who helped me. He didn't put work before me. Bruce, Alfred is a better father than you ever were to me." Jason said. Soon after he walked out the door.

"Jason? I'm sorry for not being the older brother you deserved. And I can gurantee you that if you give us all a chance, we'll treat you gow we should have." I speak up.

"I don't need family. I've lived without one for so long, so I don't need one now. Besides, I have Nico." He mumbled.

"Jason, family have eachother's back. Please." I said whilst my eyes started to tear up.

"Jason. We aren't asking you to forgive us. We want another chance." Damian piped up.

"Fine. Only one."

John's PoV

I scoff at the commotion going on. He prefers Jason over me.

I wish James was here.

At the thought of his name, my eyes teared up. Everything was blurry and I furiously wiped my tears away. Has dad already forgotten about James? Were we that insignificant in his life?

I want mum and James back. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. No one else was here so I let it all out. An ugly sob escaped my mouth.

Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"John, I know you're in there. Open up." I heard Nathan's voice.

In no time I opened the door and flung myself at him holding him in a tight embrace. After letting him in, I locked the door.

"I really, really want mum and James back." I sobbed into his chest.

"Me too, buddy, me too." I could tell he was upset but no tears came from his eyes. Did he really care about me? Would anyone care if I joined James? Brian wouldn't mind I'm sure. I was an asshole to him.

"I always feel dad doesn't like us. The first time James and I were there, Blake's dad showed no mercy. I still have scars feom that time. And you know, they came months later to find us. It was straight after mum died too. And then when Brian was with the Joker they found him in no time. Dad never showed any attention to James and I. It was always Brian."

"Hey, you know he loves you-"

"No he doesn't. If he did-"

"He does John. I care about you. You're my best friend. James loved about you and I'm certain, wherever he is, he still does. Brian loves you too."

There was silence between us. I just told Nathan my biggest secret. And I still know nothing of his background. His past.

"Tell me your past Nathan."

"And why is that?" He said in a cold tone. One that sent shivers down my spine.

"Please? I don't know anything about you."

"Fine." He hesitantly says with a sigh.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the warmth radiating from him.

He took a deep breath and started explaining. "Well, my parents weren't the best of people. They were in the mafia, cold hearted killers. They were the leader of the Mafia, all of them. They killed many just to get that place. They wanted me to be like them and when I was older I could take over and carry on in their place. The - the training was horrible. They tortured me so that I could withstand a certain amount of pain. I thought they were my parents. But they only cared about fame and reputation."

He took a deep but shaky breath. I pit my arms around him.

"They forced the kids to mount in the snow with only t-shirts and trousers. They locked us out in the cold so we could take on the cold. They chained our foot and threw us in lakes. The chains weren't that heavy at first, they wantedbus to become strong. These training excersizes were when we were 10. I was 11 years old when my parents dorced me in the same room as the victims. I didn't agree and like what they were doing to people. They chained me down and gagged me so I couldn't cry out for help. Everyone of the victims were tortured, some raped and all killed infront of my eyes."

He was hesitant to continue. But continued either way.

"One day I had enough. I was 12 years old when I killed my parents." He let out a dark, sinister chuckle. "I snapped. Their victim was a toddler. He was so young. When they weren't looking I slipped out the chains. No one was looking when I shot them both. In their heads. I helped the kid go back to his family."

I was still confused about his brother.

"Now, I know you're wondering about my brother. I had two more brothers you know. They were both twins." He let out a broken sigh. "They were so young. They were both older than me. But they were weaker. My parents killed them. They were always playing pranks, cheering us up after torture sessions. They said Alex and I had potential. More than Ethan and Elliot. The blood of the tortured victims was smeared on my bedroom wall. Some of their bones were used as mobiles above our beds. Their flesh was fed to the wolves."

It was horried. He was abused and tortured by his own blood. The very person who gave birth to him and his father who was meant to love him with all his heart.

There were people outside who listened to all this. The very people who need to stop judging and get to know others first. And more.

This was long. I think there is only one more chapter. But either way I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.
Have a great day/night.

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