{Chapter 8}

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Damian's PoV

It's that boy. The same one that was being held by Todd.

"Tell me about your parents. Is your mom pretty, does your dad get you things?" Brian said.

"My mum is dead and my dad is a selfish asshole." Was the new kid telling the truth though?

"Oh, I know how you feel. But my dad is alright. At least he doesn't blame me for our mothers death."
I didn't know this about Brian. And I know a lot about my class mates thanks to Drake. He hacked into the school files.

People shouldn't be trusted so easily. They can back stab you. That's why I am seen all alone everywhere I go. But the two recent kids decided to interrupt my useful thinking.

"Hey what about you Damien? Hey I have an Idea why don't you hang out with us at break and Lunch?"

Before I could 'politely' decline, he spoke up.

"Okay, good. Well then it's decided. We'll all meet outside, near the tree right at the back outside." Brian said.

"Yeah, he does that. To be honest he did that with me. Didn't give me a chance to decline. Or make a rude remark." Nico said appearing next to me.

"What's your first lesson?" Nico asks us.

I look at my timetable. "I have English." I answer.

"Same." The other two reply.

"Whose class?" I ask Brian.

He makes some next level offended noise. "Dami I sit right next to you. The seat next to Damian is free. Nico can sit over there."

"Is there not a table with no one sitting there?" Nico asks.

"Yup. But you are sitting next to us whether you like it or not." Brian says with a mischievous smile. I'm already hating this kid.

"Fine. Just leave me alone and don't talk to me." He says with an eye roll.

"Yayyyyy!" Brian says with a smile. Geez what is that kid on?

So the three of us walked besides each other much to my dismay. And even then Brian found something to talk about.

"Don't. You. Ever. Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" I growl in annoyance. He immediately stops talking and walks ahead.

"Dude, that was low." Nico says joining Brian.

I tut and push past them both and walk to class.

I sit in my seat but instead of sitting next to me, Brian sits at the front of the class.

I tut at his childishness. I only told him to stop talking. Nico sits next to me after the teacher introduces him to the class.

The lesson was going smoothly so far, with no disturbances. Nico looks kind of bored and looks longingly at Brian.

I tut and speak up. "You know, you can go talk to him. I don't need friends they are useless."

He scoffs and glares at me. "Yeah, well that's what I thought and in less than an hour Brian changed my views on friends. At least he knows I have his back and I know he has mine. So quit being a bitch to him because he wants to get to know you."

And with that he goes to the front and sits next to Brian and instantly they both start talking.

*Half way through the lesson*

I admit, I was honestly lonely. At least I had Nico's presence before but now I'm alone. I try not to pay much mind to the feeling of regret gnawing at my chest and just got on with the day.

Break time came by quickly. I trotted over to the place where we would agree to meet. I saw them laughing and chatting but when I went near and they caught a glance of me, the talking immediately came to a halt. We sat in an awkward silence and I let out a sigh. I don't apologize, never did before either so it was hard to spit the words out my mouth.

"Look, I'm sorry Brian. I shouldn't have shouted at you and swore at you. I was in the wrong."

Two twins came up to Brian. He looked terrified and Nico was stood in front of him in a protective way.

"Move out of the way freak. We want to talk with Brian." When Nico wouldn't move they both growled out, "Alone."

They grabbed Brian roughly as he let out a yelp.

"Why were you stood in front of him like that?"

"His brothers have put him through enough shit as it is. They always find a reason, even if it is a small one, to beat him up."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go find our friend." I say, surprising myself with determination.

We both followed the trail the brothers had taken and found them both in a hallway. There was a bruised Brian laying on the floor, the kicks kept coming at him.

"It's all your fault mum died." One of the twins said.

"Your a mistake to the world. Everyone would be better off without-" The other said. But I wouldn't let them finish the sentence off.

"Oi! Leave. Him. The. Fuck. Alone. You bitches." I growl out.

They looked at me with anger in their eyes. I walk upto them and punch them both on their jaws, dislocating it.

I've learnt self defence. I have secrets no one would imagine.

"You better leave my friend alone. If not, a dislocated jaw isn't the worst I can give you."

And with that I walk up to Brian and help him up. Nico wasn't any use here because he was weak.

Hey guys. This is the 8th chapter done. I hoped you enjoyed it.

Have a great day/night everyone.

ALSO, I'M REALLY GRATEFULL FOR ALL THE SUPPORT. THANK YOU ALL. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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