{Chapter 1}

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Red Hood's PoV

Jumping from building to building was truly relaxing. My mind was clear thanks to the fresh air. Nothing, absolutely nothing came to mind. Then a scream rang out through the midnight sky. 

I instantly followed the sound and stopped on the top of a building. A women was surrounded by a bunch of men. The men advanced forward, closing in on the panicking woman. Then I made my presence known.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I question the men who turn their head to me. As soon as they realised who it was, they stumbled around to escape. 

One of them even said, "It's the Red Hood. Run." 

I walked up to the old woman, helping her up. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" I ask her.

"No, thank you, young man. I'm fine." The lady said.

"It's fine, just be careful around here." I inform her.

I carried on with the patrol, stopping a few thieves here and there. Then I sit at the edge of a building. The cool breeze hitting my helmet as my brown jacket flapped in the wind. It had gone chilly all of a sudden. I was about to head back to my apartment when I heard it. Soft sobbing coming from below. I look down to see a small boy who, might I add, came out of nowhere. 

He wasn't there before so when did he come here? I was looking at that alleyway for a long time and he wasn't there. I assume he was a meta human or something like that. He might have teleported.

I hop down from the building and approach the boy. He had black hair, pale skin and obsidian black eyes.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" I speak up. He turns around in surprise and scurries, backing himself into the wall.

I take my helmet off and slowly go near him. He looked like he was about to pass out. 

"Woah, I'm not going to hurt you. Where are your parents?" 

The answer he gave me broke my heart. "I-I don't h-have any." He stutters. Something about him made my heart warm. I gesture for him to come closer to me. 

"Hey, why don't I take you back to my apartment and I'll adopt you tomorrow?" I ask him. 

"Okay. But please don't hurt me?" He whimpers. 

"I promise I won't hurt you." I confirm.

He walks towards my outstretched arms and I pick him up and place him on my hip. Then I put my helmet on and use the roofs to get home. I had a few questions to ask this mysterious child. But not after he is back to being healthy. 

Nico's PoV

"I HATE YOU! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD PROTECT HER! YOU'RE A LIAR! I HATE YOU!" I scream at the 'hero' Percy Jackson. He broke a promise and my only family is gone. Forever. And now I have nowhere to go and stay. Two to three zombies appeared from cracks in the ground. Percy got his sword ready as they closed in on him. "GO AWAY! JUST GO AWAY!" I scream at them. And they listen because, I, Nico Di Angelo is a son of Hades. One of the big three. Percy is the son of Poseidon and Thalia is a daughter of Zeus. Percy looks at me surprised and opens his mouth to say something. But before he could, I ran out the camp borders. Then I used a new found ability to teleport only using shadows.  

I ended up in a dark and smelly alleyway. I finally let the tears come and I cried. For ages. I felt a presence somewhere near by but didn't pay attention to it, though they did have an unusual aura. If it was a murderer, I wouldn't mind. I would literally die to see my family again. 

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" A voice startles me. I turn around and jump in surprise looking at the male with a red helmet and black armour and a brown jacket. 

He takes his helmet off and slowly comes near me. "Woah, I'm not going to hurt you. Where are your parents?"

What was I meant to say? I didn't have any. Well I didn't have any relative that cares. So I spoke the truth. If he finds out I lied I'm going to be in trouble anyway.

"I-I don't h-have any." I say sobbing and stuttering. Something told me to trust him. If I die, it might be good. I can see Bianca and mama again.

"Hey, why don't I take you back to my apartment and I'll adopt you tomorrow?" He asks me. He's going to adopt me? I just don't want him to hurt me.

"Okay. But please don't hurt me?" I say.

"I promise I won't hurt you." He says in a confident voice. 

I walk into his warm embrace and he holds me close, like his life depends on me. I feel my eyes grow heavy and then they shut and I embrace sleep. 

Hey guys. What do you think of the first chapter of the re-write? I want to know if people like it so I can carry on. Please do tell me. 

Have a good day/night.

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