{Chapter 12}

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Damian's PoV

Todd? What is he doing at Brian's house? Who cares, that murderer can die, it is the least he can do for killing so many people, even if they were criminals. Mr. Jones said to us to wait at the dinner table and one hour later he came down as well as Jason, both blotchy eyes and had been crying.

I internally tut at the weakness shown. Crying is for the weak. Mother always told me to never, in my whole lifetime cry or show emotions in front of others.

"Dad, are you and the other guy okay?" Brian asks.

"Shut up freak, no one wants to know that you care." His brothers said whilst punching him. I tut and stand in front of him, shielding him from his pathetic exuses of brothers.

"Look here, you got yourself a bodyguard." One taunted.

John then said, "Yeah, I bet these two don't want anything to do with you. They only feel pity for-"

Before he finished off, Brian pushed past all of us and ran to his room, Nico being to late to follow.

"Get a life worth living losers. He's your brother isn't he? Cut him some slack assholes." Jason spoke up.

He took a plate of food and headed towards the stairs that Brian had ditched long ago. The twins just gritted their teeth and grabbed a big plate. They both headed to their rooms and slammed the door shut.

Mr. Jones stood their and let out a deep sigh.

"Oh yeah, come eat boys. And Nico, I already informed Jason of this, you'll be staying here from now on, until Jason is back to health. You'll be staying in the guest room though."

"Oh, okay, what about our stuff?" He asks.

"It's all already been collected. You don't need to worry."

"Okay Mr. Jones." Nico says

"Please, just call me Elijah." And then he says, "Come let's eat."

*After eating cuz I feel I'm dragging this on* 😶

Brian, Nico and I started to get on with our project.
"Who's drawing who?" Brian questions, though he wasn't his usual cheery self.

"What did Todd say to you? What ever he said don't listen to hi-"

"Dami, he's your brother. Leave him alone, and if you want me to stop listening to what he had to say, fine I will. I'll ignore that he told me to stay with you two because both of you can be trusted, that I should learn to ignore my brothers because there are people in the world who are worse and that I should learn to fight back for myself." Brian said in one breath.

"Yeah Damian, what do you have against Jay, he didn't do anything to you." Nico questions.

I just tut in answer and face the other way. That murderer is no brother of mine. He must be bad because not even Drake or Grayson would talk about him.

The next two hours was just drawing. Nico is honestly a decent drawer. I was drawing Brian, Nico was drawing me and Brian was drawing Nico. 

"Woah. That is so dope Nico." Brian complments.

"Yes. I agree with Brian." I say.

"Thanks guys. Both of yours are awesome too." He says with a straight face.

Drake and Grayson can't say I'm too serious, they haven't met Nico.

"It's time to sleep. Whose taking the bed?" Brian asks.

"Me." Nico and I simultaneously reply.

Half an hour was spent bickering back and forth until Todd came in questioning what the racket was about.

"Jayyy, I wanna sleep on the bed." Nico groans.

"Yeah, well it's my room."  Brian shouts back.

"Hey, I don't want my clothes to become filthy." I truthfully reply.

"Well first get changed. Then brush your teeth and I will wait for you. We can decide something after." J- Todd reasons.

"Fine." We grumble out.

*After getting changed and all that. #lazy😂*

"Now, all three of you get into the bed. And you can all sleep like that, your all friends anyway." Jason smirks.

Disagreement broke out between us and once again everyone was shouting and screaming.

"Well who wants to sleep on the floor?"

"No one." we all reply.

"Now I suggest we all sleep so I can hand you over to school so they can deal with you." And with that Todd walked out of the room.


With Nico in the middle, Brian on the right and me on the left, we all fell asleep on Brian's spacy bed.

Jason's PoV

"So Jason, how did you deal with that problem?" Elijah asks.

John and James were both sitting on the sofa, listening in into our conversation.

"I forced them all to sleep in one bed. And just to piss Damian off and payback for other times, I'm going to take a picture." I say with a smirk.

"Hah, good one dude." James says.

"Hey, I have a question for you two."


"Why on earth are you so mean to your younger brother?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

"Well, it is his fault our mother died. If he hadn't run across the road when a car was coming he would be dead and our mother would still be alive."

"Do you want him dead?"

"Yeah, it'll be karma for killing our mother." John says.

"Hm. That's what your saying. Both of you. But do you mean that. Imagine a life without him. Imagine what he's going through. Is he mentally stable from all that mental abuse you put him through -"

Nico ran down the stairs and he looked dead scared. And deathly pale. (😎)

My eyes widen in worry. "Hey, baby boy what's wrong?" My voice quavers.

"I-it's B-Brian." He was clearly shook so I followed him into the shared room...

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