{Chapter 9}

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Brian's PoV

After the cheerful interaction with my brothers, and Damian, who, might I remind you, hates all sorts of living beings, standing up for me, we went to the First Aid Room. They both waited with me as I was being bandaged up. Damian kept glancing in my direction.

"Thanks guys. But you didn't need to interfere."

"Well we did. Forget what your brothers say to you. It isn't in the slightest bit true." Nico said whilst helping me off of the bed.

"Look Brian, I'm sorry for swearing at you and snapping at you." Damian apologizes.

"It's fine. I'm used to it anyway." I answer truthfully.

So tue rest of the day went by without anymore run ins with my brothers. Though another person with black hair and blue eyes walked upto Damian. They talked for a bit and I accidently heard in on their conversation.

"Well, this is an odd sight indeed. I heard you apologized to a kid for the first time in your life. I'm suprised Dami. And pleased your starting to trust someone. But anyways that other kid with the emo hair-"

"-Nico." Damian interrupts.

"See your already standing up for ypur friends. But back to the point Nico, he looks familiar. Isn't he the kid we bumped into that was being picked from Jason?"

"Now I know why he looks familiar."

"Yeah, something about him seems fishy. But I'll tell Bruce that you stayed the night at a friend." There was a mischievous smirk on his brother's face and before he could comment he was off, running through the corridor.

"Curse you Drake." Damian scoffs whilst mumbling incoherent words.

I walked up to him.

"Who was that?" I ask curiously.

"My older adopted brother, Timothy Drake."

"Is he nice?" I ask.

"Yes, there are times I can tolerate him but before he left, he basically kicked me out the house for the night. He said he was happy I was making friends."

"Hey, I can ask my dad if you two can come over. We have an art project to do together anyway so we can get started on that." I offer.

"That would be very appreciated." Damian said. The sides of his mouth twitched a little but it could have been the trick of my eyes.

"I'll just go telk Nico about this."

"Speaking of, where did he go?" Damian asks.

"He went to the toilets last I saw. But it has been fifteen minutes since I last saw him." I say. Then as an after thought I added, "Maybe he needed a long shit."

"Brian, that was funny but shouldn't we go check on him? Lessons will start soon to."

"If it makes you happy Dami."

"Don't call me that." He says with a tut.

But before we could move, Nico with a black eye and blood dripping from his nose showed up.

"What the fuck happened?" Damian demands.

"Nothing. Hust some bullies who got taught their lesson."

"You taught them a lesson? Bo offense bestie but you look kind of weak." I hesitantly say.

"Who said I used my hands or feet?" And with that he wanders off into another direction. After a glance between Dami and I, we followed him to the lesson.

Jason's PoV

The first day of my new job. The boss was actually chill. Though the reception lady was still creeping me out. I didn't say anything because it seemed ridiculous at the moment.

I was the new assistant and Elijah and I became pretty good...acquaintances. We both had lunch together but not before getting to know eachother.

"What's your kids name?" Elijah asks me.

"His name is Nico Di Angelo. I enrolled him into Gotham high in year 7 even though he is two years younger than the rest. He is quite a clever kid to be honest."

After finishing sorting through the cabinet I turned to him.

"What about you? Wife? Sons?" I ask curiously.

"My wife died when my youngest child was three. But I have three beautiful children to remember her by. The oldest are twins. There names are, James and John. The youngest is Brian."

"Do they get along?" I ask once again.

"No, the oldest, they were closer to my wife so thwy blame Brian for her death."

"Oh. That must be difficult for him." I say deep in thought. It was soon broken by Elijah. But oddly enough I didn't mind. It was nice to talk ro someone again.

"Tell me about yourself. I am working with you so I need to know more about you."

The memories of my past come tumbling back. I really didn't want to tell him. Without realising my breathing quickened and I had started to sweat.

"Hey, calm down Jason. Listen to me. Name fifve things you can see."

I look around the room, but it soon started to change. Then I'm back there. The joker came into sight. Therebwas blood, a lot of blood. The walls were painted in blood, the floor was covered in blood. And it was all my blood. The crowbar repeatedly hitting me, the pain was unbearable. I could still hear Elijah's voice.

Five things I can see.

"Blood, the crowbar, a small room, some more blood and... The Joker."

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I tried my best on this. And all the other ones but yeah. Hope you enjoy.

Have a wonderful day/night.

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