Now Sober

14 1 0

And do I only drink
during sad hours
and lonely minutes
so I can have a bottle
I can blame when I cry
that there is a glass I can break
when my heart is already broken?

And do I only drink
during sad hours
and lonely minutes
so I can have
a floor I can hug
though cold and damp
but someone I can vomit in the face
yet does not leave
does not run away from conversations?

And do I only drink
during sad hours
and lonely minutes
so I can have
a reason to get my knuckles broken
punching regrets in the face
but does not spit back
does not face back?

And do I only drink
during sad hours
and lonely minutes
so I can have
something to blame
when I dance alone
when I want to dance with you
when I sing our songs
when I want to hear them from you
when I want to forget
but also to remember?

And do I only drink
because I am sad
during those hours
and lonely in those minutes?

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