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It still amazes me though
these crazy, childish things
when clouds form like cotton candies
after sunny Sundays
or when the jetplanes
leave contrails that form lines
like on your palms.

They are beautiful.
Beautiful but temporary.

They remind me of
silent minutes after we laugh —
but somehow,
I learned to love them.

Too much that I still find them
in every corner of my room,
in every drop of the rain
that stays on the windowpane,
in every songs that airs
while driving home in a bus.

When we first held hands,
I know for a moment
that if we stop seeing each other
I will find that exact feeling,
in icecreams I buy at 7/11
and pretend to get hypertension
from coffee flavors
even if it just the echo of your name
that is left in the table
as breadcrumbs that stay.

these little things do not matter
these little things are nothing —

nothing without you
leaving memories.

You are my trailblazer.

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