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Change is exciting, it feels new and cool; or warm that it singes.

A new flavor of icecream, a new taste of coffee, a new scent of perfume, a new color of shoes — they make us feel brand-new.

But, oftentimes, there is always an expiration to our exhilaration. However we become happy to the new things that come to us, we will always find the comfort, the familiarity, the safety from the old things we had.

Ironically, we will always miss and love the things we often hate before — the awkward silence at the first date, the tiresome walks at night, the random punchline at lunch, the arguments we had like senators at the bench we frequent each Wednesday noon.

Change is the reason why strangers turn to friends.

Change is the reason why friends turn to lovers.

Change is the reason why lovers turn to strangers.

Change is the reason why we love a song one day and hate it the next day.

Change is the reason why we despair, and also why we hope.

It may rain today or it may snow. It may be coffee or it may be cola. No one knows what will happen next time.

It makes us grow. It gives us roots and makes us cut the branches we do not already need.

As beautiful as change is, it is also sometimes painful — but bearable.

I might love you before and hate you now, but change is inevitable, I might love you more tomorrow. As I always did.

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