What Could Be If We Happened

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But I am still thinking every midnight, wish upon the stars, and pray to gods in heaven, that if we still could give another chance for us, I hope we would —

This time, I will never take time for granted. I will not take you for granted. I will not take us for granted.

I will not ask for a sequel of our story. But I want us to start anew — without the scars from yesterday, without nightmares of our mishaps.

All those mistakes I have made in past should remain as history. All the right things we were deprived to do should be brought at the day we meet again.

But if the stars will conspire for us to never cross our paths, I will accept it.

For I know, what I want us to be will only come as reality if that is destined to happen.

There are 7.6 billion souls on this planet, waiting to meet you. I want you to embrace all those people coming in your life.

And when you finally find the man you wish to stay by your side, I want you to give him the lodging he deserves.

Tell him the “I love you’s” I wanted to hear from you, but never did.

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