Mis.Applegate gets fired

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Mis.Applegate: ok class teacher has a bad hangover and wants all of you to be quite

Nugget: Nugget doesn't like being quiet it's boring

Mis.Applegate: zip it Nugget

Kid: *pushes the button to make a firecracker pop*

Mis.Applegate: *snaps* DX  which one of you brats did that?!

Kid: o_o *mind: that wasn't supposed to happen she was supposed to leave*

Nugget: *raises his hand* Nugget thinks large teacher lady should calm down

DX shut up up little freak of nature

Nugget: Nugget doesn't like large teacher lady bullying him

Mis.Applegate: *grabs Nugget by the neck choking the poor boy* -_- and I don't like you, your classmates, my job , or my life , but this is going to be the last time you bother me again

Nugget: DX *struggling* help someone help Nugget

Stevie: *walks in *
:0 umm what's going on?!

Nugget: ;///; Nugget needs hall rat's help

Stevie: *climbs onto a desk and removes Mis.Applegate's hands from Nugget's neck* Mis.Applegate you can't strangle your students I'm telling the principal about this *brings Nugget to the nurse's office then goes to the principal *

Mis.Applegate: DX Snitch  

Stevie: *tells the principal what happened *

F-principal: *calls Mis.Applegate in and fires her *

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