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Tagged by Salmon_Boi

( :p work In progress)

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( :p work In progress)

1. :p I have a birth mark in the shape of a cactus on my leg

2. :3 Cheesecake

3. :/ I think Hetalia or Happy Tree Friends


5. XD this for now ......

 XD this for now

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6. Janitor x Margaret
Female principal: ;-; why?!

7. 12/28
:p Capricorn in case you're in to the zodiac sings

8. :/ not sure about five of them I don't like being in alone in the dark as my mind can make some weird things in it sometimes

9. XD a derpy potato with glasses

10. On my playlist I think I play this one the most.....can't really choose a favorite
( :p I forgot about this song )

11. I read a bunch of fanfics and I wanted to save them to a library

12. again can't pick a favorite but I have a favorite character type the wild card

13. XD Bold of you to assume I can do that

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