Hall monitor X Stevie: Halloween

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(Halloween night)(they are not related)

Hall monitor: *in a hippie costume knocks on a door with a trick or treat bucket *
^^ Trick or Treat  dude

Mr.Name: :/ aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?

Hall monitor: *pouts * so no candy?

Mr.Name: *sees Stevie a cute blue Power Ranger costume with mask assuming he's a little kid *  ^^ well aren't you just adorable

Stevie: * pitches his voice up a bit *
Trick or treat

Mr.Name: *hands him some candy*

Stevie: *looks over at Hall monitor then at Mr.Name in a sad tone * thank you ...but what about my big brother?

Mr.Name: o///o oh I'm so sorry I didn't know you two were related of course
*hands Hall monitor candy *

Hall monitor: ^^ thanks dude happy Halloween

( later after a night of trick-or-treating together)

Hall monitor: *cuddles Stevie both of which surrounded by candy *
^^ thank you so much Kitten this has been the best Halloween I have had in a long time

Stevie: *smirks and eats a pice of candy*
well sometimes it does pay to be short

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