The resaon for the move

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Felix: seriously Carter why did you move here to US?

Carter: :/ honestly I have no idea it was my dad's  idea

(Flashback ) (Young women in this since are Women in their 20s to mid 30s )

Mr.Smith: *on his computer looking at California with it's sunny weather, wine , legal pot , and young hot women*
*calls out to his son and wife*
Guys pack your stuff for moving to California as of 5 minutes ago

Mis.Smith: :/ but why are you so determined to move to California so fast

Mr.Smith: don't question me it's wine country you should be happy

Mis.Smith: ^^ oh in that case I'll pack my things *leaves*

(Back to present)

Carter: :/ so basically my dad told me one day we're moving to California and we did

Felix: .......

(Btw their dad are friends and are members of the same Country club )

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