Drug testing

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Female principal: * over the intercom*
Attention all staff members today is our yearly drug test please report to the nurses office after lunch for drug testing thank you that is all

(In Mis.Applegate's class)

Mis.Applegate: ^^ hey kids who would want to make $50 peeing in a cup for their favorite teacher?

Buggs: :/ as much as I'm desperate for money I'd actually rather you get fired from failing your drug test

Mis.Applegate: ;-; *thinks : damn it why couldn't I still have Monty in my class he would've said yes *

(In the hall way )

Hall monitor: o_o *thinks: I need to think of a fast way to get out of this drug test*

Stevie: :/ hey are you o-

Hall monitor: *lays on the ground faking sever stomach pain * ;-; dude I think my appendix just burst

Stevie: :/ you do realize you only had one appendix right?

Hall monitor: :/ so what does that mean?

Stevie: it means your appendix can't burst as you already had it taken out getting out of last year's drug test

Hall monitor: .////. *eats a bunch hands soap causing foam to form in his mouth *
Think I can make the nurse believe I have rabies?

Stevie: -///- Think it'd easier for you to just stop smoking weed before school?

Hall monitor: * mouth full of suds* ....... but seriously does it look like rabies to you?

( seriously don't do drugs kids and don't sell your pee )

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