Make a scene

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( idea from video above)
( all of them are adults with the one making the challenge filming )
( at Mcglobe)

Kid: > :3 hey Nugget make a scene

Nugget: ^^ ok *jumps over the order counter and starts eating all the nuggets hissing at the workers who try to stop him *

( in Walmart)

Felix: hey Teddy make a scene

Ted: :/ why?

Felix: because it's a challenge online and I'm challenging you ....make a scene

Ted: oh ok *places mentos into 4  2L sodas at once causing a big volcanic eruption * ^^

( at a clothing shop)

Monty: Carla make a scene

Carla: *starts twerking in the middle of the store *

Monty: .////. .....*staring at her but *

( at a bar )

Lily: *drunk * Billy make a scene

Billy: *drunk goes onto the bar counter and take a big dump it in front of everybody *

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