Never have I ever (gender bent)

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All of the adults are in the teacher's lounge during an over night meeting

Kyle: okay this is boring

Mr.Applegate: agreed

Jenny: *remembers she has beer in the janitors closet * hey guys wanna play "Never have I ever"

Mr.Applegate: don't you need alcohol to play that ?

Jenny: *gets out a twelve pack from the janitor's closet and goes back to the teacher's lounge * you mean this ?

Kyle: -.- why do you have alcohol in a kindergarten?

Jenny: -.- oh don't you dare take the moral high ground on this as we both know you practically have a full mini bar in your desk

Mr.Applegate: XD ha exposed

Jenny: oh you aren't any better having my niece make pills for you

Mr.Applegate: says the b***h you crippled her for life

Jenny: *is about to stab Mr.Applegate in the face with her broom but Marcus stops her*

Marcus: honey please calm down and play the game you suggested

Jenny: *sighs* fine

( we can rp the game )
( Sanjay *male Sage* is baby sitting Paul )

Incorrect Quotes Kindergarten 2 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now