Karen: "mother of the year"

523 8 804

( Female Principal is Karen , James is her husband )


(After James left )

Female principal: *to Penny*
DX daddy didn't leave because of mommy, daddy left because of what crawled out of her

( two )

Female principal: ^^ *places her wine in Penny's car seat * there safe and sound

Baby Penny: ;-; *laying in a paper bag *

Margaret: *picks baby Penny up * -.- you've prioritized wine over your child?!

Female principal: :p yup

(Three )

Female principal: *drunk and looks in Penny's crib to see a covered bowl of potato salad *
:0 omg my baby turned into potato salad

James: *holding baby Penny *
>~< you left Penny in the fridge

Baby Penny: ^^ dada *hugging him *

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