Chris Montgomery (oc)

174 5 3

Personally :
He's a perverted class clown who likes being a troublemaker. He's 18 in eighth grade as a result of getting held back multiple times including failing kindergarten twice. Despite his behavior at school he's a caring older brother who acts like a parent and works after school to financially support his younger half siblings. His parents are first cousins with him and his half siblings sharing a different parent each. Their family lives in a cramp two bedroom house having the kids share one bedroom.

His job:
stocking shelves at a convenient store

His half siblings

Crystal: (shares a mom with Chris)
8 years old and deaf from birth. She acts like an older sister to Daniel.

Daniel: (shares a father with Chris)
10 but has the mental development of a four year old he hallucinates monsters and an imaginary girlfriend named Sofie

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