Christmas Cards

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3rd Person
Barrys speeds into Star Labs after he caught a criminal whose been on the run for days.

"Great Job Bear!" Cisco says as he sits up and gives Barry a high five.

"Thanks!" Barry replies as he speeds out of his suit and into real clothes.

"But you know what we need to do tonight." Caitlin tells them. Loud sighs interrupt the silence.

"Do we have to". Cisco pouts.

"Yes. Team arrow, Legends and supergirl have all sent there cards already." Caitlin says as she grabs her coat ready to walk into the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Barry asks.

"I'm going to pick up lunch. Want anything?" She asks.

"I'll take a double cheeseburger!" Cisco yells from across the room.

"I'll take 5 double cheeseburgers. 3 large fries and Coke." Barry says as he pats his stomach. "I'm hungry."

"I can tell." Caitlin laughs as she walks away.
Cisco POV
I turn to Barry once Caitlin left. "Can't we just send the one from last year." I say.

"They'll know. We have a new team and wouldn't it be weird to have Thawne in our picture this year?" He questions.

I nod my head in defeat. Caitlin wants us to go all out. Last year we we had to take our photo to covered in tinsel and lights. Everybody else's cards were just them either in super suits or regular fancy clothes.

"I wonder what Caitlin will make us do this year?" I say.

"Who knows." Barrys sighs as we laugh together.

"What's going on here." A voice says coming from the darkness.

"Hey Jay!" I shout.

"Christmas Cards." Barry bluntly says.

"What's about them?" Jay asks walking around the cortex.

"Caitlin makes us go out for our cards and it's very embarrassing." Barrys tells Jay.

Time passes and Caitlin walks in the door with food.

"Here you go Bear." She hands Barry the enormous pile of food.

"Thanks Cait." He smiles.

"I remember when I ate like that. Never ending days of spending money." Jay and Barry laugh together.

Caitlin hands me my food and she starts to talk.

"So I was thinking for the Christmas Cards this year we should all be matching at take awkward family photos." She brings up the idea.

"What's do you mean awkward family photos ." Barrys asks.

"You know we all match and take pictures in weird poses like some family's do." Caitlin says proudly as she takes a bite of her burger.

"I don't think we're getting out of this one guys." I say to Jay and Barrys who sit across from me.

"Nope." Caitlin happily smirks.

                                    *time skip*
Barrys POV
The team gathered up at the Lab as Caitlin walks in with a big bin.

"I've got the outfits!" She shouts.

"Great." I sarcastically say.

"Don't be grinch. I'm just trying to be festive." Caitlin smiles.

She hands everyone the outfits.

"Very.... bright" Harry says.

"Let's just get this over with. I've got to get back to the station." Joe says as they all group together.

"Barry do you mind?" Caitlins says to him.

I nod as we get into place. I super speed to the camera and press the button. I get into place just as the camera flashes the light.

After the picture Caitlin rushes over to the camera and looks at the picture.

"Eeee!!! It looks so good!" She shouts.

Everyone then walks over to see the picture.

"Oliver is going to make fun of you so much." Cisco laughs.

I give him a glare as I chuckle.

                            *time skip a few days*

Caitlin just sent out the cards. Well she didn't I did. If Caitlin wasn't so happy about the photos I would've just completely refused but because she was so happy I had to do it.

The team is coming over to Joe's and we are having a movie night to shake off some stress with zoom.

"Which movie are we going to watch?" Jay asks.

"Elf?" Cisco offers up.

"What's that?" Jay says.

"You'll see it's amazing." I tell him.

We eventually all get to Joe's and watch the movie. I look back at the Christmas card and smile.

The End

I know I alway end these one shots with a movie but it's fun! Sorry this ones short I'll try to come out with a longer one next!

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