Stay With Me Barry, Please

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Enter Zoom-but my way

3rd Person
"Stay with me Barry. Please" Caitlin cried out with tears flowing down her face.

Barry layed on the floor. The red of his suit was covered in the red of the body. Cisco stared in shock as Caitlin pleaded for Barry.

"Get him to the med bay now!" Harry shouts running back into the cortex.

"Cisco help." Caitlin snaps him out of his trance and he immediately jumps into action.

Once Barry was on the med Caitlin grabbed the defibrillator from Cisco's hands and was ready.

"Clear!" She shouts. Barrys limo body jumps up but no dice.

"Again Caitlin" Harry instructs.


I took 3 tries until Barrys heart started to beat again. Caitlin did all she could for now and she took a seat next to a Barry. Cisco did the same. Harry went to look for any trace of zoom. The two friends sat in silence just waited for their hero to wake up.

"What if he never wakes up." Cisco says breaking the silence.

"Don't say that Cisco. I know he can do it. Barrys gone through way to much in his life he has to make it." Caitlin said sadly.

"Zooms gone." Harry says walking into the Medbay. He looks at Barry for a second but turns his focus back to Cisco and Caitlin.

"Any updates?" He asks.

"No. Not even a twitch of the hand." Caitlin responds.

"Did anyone call Joe or Iris?" Cisco asks.

They both shake their heads no. But right after that they heard the clicking of someone running.

"Where Barry?" Joe asks when he gets in.

"In here Joe!" Cisco calls from the med bay.

"Barr." Joe sighs walking up to his son.

"Is he going to be okay?" The heartbroken man asks.

The equally as broken woman tells him everything.

"Please wake up Barry." Joe grabs Barry hand and a tear falls down his cheek.

"Look at the tv."Harry points to the tv where the news is being shown.

Breaking News: A new villain who goes by Zoom wins the battle against our City's Hero The Flash- CCPD cops share their experience when Zoom entered their building with the Flash in its arms.

"We can't let Barry see this when he wakes up." Caitlin shakes her head at the news reporter.

"We fired bullets at it, but it just caught and dropped them out of his hand like it was nothing"

"It was scary. I've seen a lot of crazy things these days but nothing like this. The Flash looked dead and that Zoom thing just shook him around. It was awful."

These are just a few of the many reactions that's this city has had.

We talked to some regular citizens who had seen what went on. Here are the things they had to say.

"I think he deserves it. Ever since that so called "hero" came into this city he's just brought more trouble."

"I hate people sometimes." Cisco grits his teeth.

"How can the citizens of this city be safe if our hero can't protect us"

"I believe in The Flash. He always bounces back and he's our hero."

"At least there's one decent person." Joe sighs.

"Wait guys look!" Cisco points to Barry face. His eyes start to flutter open. Caitlin quickly wipes away the tears in her eyes and looks at Barry.

"Barry?" Caitlin calls for him. He starts to close his eyes again but Caitlin won't let that happen.

"Keep those eyes open Barr." She says softy and quietly.

"W-what happened?" Barry asks.

"We'll talk later. I'm just glad your awake." She holds his hand in hers and let's out a tear of joy.

"He's not a hero he's weak."

The tv interrupted with a man who was being interviewed.

Barry expression changes.

"It's nothing Barry you are a hero this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He could never do what you've accomplished." Joe reassures.

"But he's right. I failed this city. Zoom is better and faster." Barry hangs his head low.

"Barry that's not true. You're better than Zoom and I know it. We are all here for here. I believe in you Barry." Caitlin says.

"Me too" Joe agrees.

"Same here Barr." Cisco agrees.

"I believe in you too Barry Allen." Harry agrees.

"Thanks guys." Barry brings his head back up and gives a slight smile.

"Anytime Barry. Now let's get this Son of a bitch!" Caitlin shouts.

Barry winces at the noice but laughs right after.

"Sorry." Caitlin whispers. The group erupts in laughter and enjoy the time they have together.

"Wait guys..... I can't feel my legs." Barry says out of the blue.

"What?" Caitlin asks thinking she heard him wrong.

"I can't feel my legs." Barry repeats. Just as Caitlin thinks Barry will be fine those words just crushed all of those hopes.

"Well fu—"

The End

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