Part 30 - Conviction

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Without saying a word, Lloyd entered the dark oni castle, that was built close to a ravine in the first realm.

This castle seemed cold and deserted, although some Oni soldiers guarded some secrets rooms and we're walking around.

They gave Lloyd a confused look as they walked past him.

The onis knew who he was, yes, the green lovely ninja who killed with his "friends" a part of the army.

These monsters seemed irritated and didn't know what to think about the green ninja being led through the castle by Taylor, yet they said nothing against it.

Taylor led Lloyd to a room upstairs in a tower and unlocked it with a golden key.

"You can sleep here... Tomorrow you can talk to the king, it is late and my lord has certainly already gone to bed."

Lloyd said nothing and went into the room.

It was a large room with an elegant touch.

There was a soft red carpet under Lloyd's feet, and next to him was a beautiful four-poster bed.

Pictures hung on the stone wall of brave onis who came from the nobility. Their eyes were cold and empty, but the golden frame made the pictures look a little friendlier.

Lloyd noticed how warm it was in the room, because behind him there was a heated fireplace.

The ninja felt treated like a prince ...

Treated well ....

But why should the onis be so nice to him?

After everything?

"If you need anything... You can ask. Everyone here will help you. The bathroom is just down one more flight of stairs. The first door if you want to freshen up. You can also change your clothes or If you want something to eat I will tell the cook to..."

"I don't need anything" interrupted Lloyd Taylor.

Yes... Lloyd was still really pissed.

"You should leave. Now. I don't wanna talk to you."

Taylor felt that Lloyd despised him for lying.

The ninja was mentally destroyed, so the dragon shouldn't be surprised.

Taylor took a deep breath and didn't dare to look at Lloyd. Then he carefully closed the door behind him.

Then late in the evening, the onis and Taylor took Harumi deep into a basement where she was to be locked up to pay for bad deeds against the green ninja.

Harumi didn't know what to say, she just knew that Taylor wouldn't listen to her.

An excuse,
a speech about justice and even talking about her own feelings wouldn't help, the dragon was to cold-hearted to care.

He was apparently raised like this; the king had never shown him affection.

Yeah of course... Why would he?

Taylor was a dragon and not his son?

Just a weapon, onis shouldn't be distracted from the war.

Taylor also seemed really different.
Well maybe it was because he didn't have to hide anymore, he showed his real intentions.

He had dyed his hair blue and there was a sign of a dragon on his muscular arm, apparently to distinguish him from the others here.

He looked like the other warriors here, he was wearing elegant black soldier clothing and a sword. He seemed like he was a punk all along.

He looked a lot more grown up and more mature than the cute little Taylor he pretended to be.

Tay also seemed more serious, thats how a leader and representative of the king should be.
The king seemed to entrust his people to this man.

"Taylor ..." Harumi heard herself say.

Did he even seem to notice her?

He walked down the dark alley and the only thing Harumi saw was that a few prisoners we're begging for water and food.

"... don't you feel sorry for them?" Harumi asked next.

"What you're doing is wrong, believe me ... I was also guided by my negative feelings, but in the end it almost cost my life ..."

"Only speak when Boss tells you to!" suddenly another oni threatened

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"Only speak when Boss tells you to!" suddenly another oni threatened.

He held a sharp sword in front of her neck and looked threateningly at the girl. Harumi held her breath and felt her heart beat faster.

"Let it be Warrior!" Taylor suddenly interrupted the bloodlusted soldier.
With a grin, Taylor turned to the princess.

His blue eyes suddenly seemed so cold, all his happiness was ... Gone.

"You don't get it, do you? This is who I am, I don't care what others feel! I'm just doing my job."

He walked slowly towards the princess, his gaze showing malicious glee.

"I know ... Lloyd is mad at me for my actions. I know he will hold his anger against me forever, but unlike you I don't want to harm him. Lloyd was my best friend back then and I believe that he will help my king If he hears the full story!"

"That doesn't make your actions any less wrong! It's still evil and selfish!" Harumi suddenly interrupted the dragon. But she quickly realized that she shouldn't have said that ...

Instead of yelling at her, Taylor laughed at her "pathetic" words.

Yeah, he just didn't care.

"You are the one to talk huh? Quiet one? I want this kingdom to find peace again and as long as the dragons don't want to end this war, we have no other choice than to wipe them out!"

Harumi took a deep breath, Taylor seemed really convinced of himself.

"And what are you going to do to me? Kill me? You don't scare me!"

"Oh no sweetie! I'm not the one who decides what happens to you. The King will tell me that soon enough. As long as that is not the case, you will work for us."

Without realizing it, Taylor suddenly cut off Harumi's long white hair. In slow motion, Harumi saw them fall to the dirty ground.

"What ... what did you ...? Why did you-..." stuttered the princess in shock.

"Your hair will disturb you in slave labor, Your Highness? Relax woman, nothing will happen to you. For now."


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