Part 15 - Alive

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Taylor felt comfortable in Lloyd's arms.
He felt his heartbeat getting faster and Lloyd's warm breath in his neck.
Taylor had missed this time, he didn't know what it was like to hug someone who meant a lot to him.

To many bad things had happen...

But that feeling made Taylor forget all his worries for a tiny moment.

"I'm so sorry..." sobbed Taylor and noticed how one tear of his blue ocean eyes flowed down his red cheek.

"I wanted to tell you the truth... But... But I couldn't."

Instead of Lloyd saying something about Taylor's bad behavior, he showed understanding.
It seemed like the Ninja understood why Taylor had lied to him.
Lloyd smiled towards the kitchen boy, wiping away his tears.

"Look... Tay..."
Lloyd laughed and seemed more than relieved that his classmate were okay.

"It's okay If you changed. You don't have to be ashamed that you let go of your bad path to take on a normal job. You are still special."


Taylor quickly wiped away his tears and laughed awkwardly.

He didn't excepted Lloyd to say something like that.

"Well- YEAH. I mean, you we're and still are my inspiration Lloyd. Becoming such a great Hero. Really....! When I found out I was speechless. Like wow."

Taylor took a step back and grinned at Lloyd in confusion.

"Hehe... Yeah. All those posters on the street. With your huge face. The magazines... Newspaper? Really cool? I guess?"

Taylor couldn't understand why Lloyd suddenly mentioned his evil side, it's been a long time.
Even if the boy used to be the best student in the class, he didn't really have to talk about it, right?

Besides, Taylor knew what Lloyd thought of the "darkness" and those "wicked ugly not kindhearted villains."

After all, Lloyd was now a ninja,

Someone who loved to help poor people and doing some heroic stuff...

"Oh you don't have to be shy Tay. It's okay... But I still wonder why you suddenly left the school? I thought something bad happend..."

Here we go again.

Lloyd wanted to know more. Of course.

Taylor sighed.

He knew he owed Lloyd an explanation for everything.

But he didn't wanted to talk about himself or the reason why he left this school behind without even telling someone.

"I- I had my reasons."


Lloyd was clearly too curious, Taylor shouldn't even be surprised.

Thats "Greenie" for you.

He always wanted to know everything and it could actually annoy someone.
It was like in their schooltime.

He asked so many questions and wanted to know everything about Taylor!

Actually quite normal when you make friends with someone?

"It doesn't matter Greenie, I mean Lloyd. For real. Lets go back. I'm tired."

Taylor looked up at the Nightsky.
The stars glittered over the modern city and the young boy felt how the cold wind blew on face.

"It's pretty late Lloyd... I'm sure your friends are already worried..."

Without hesitation, Taylor gripped Lloyd's hand tightly to drag him back home.

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