Part 21 - Angel with a dark heart

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Harumi looked over to the dangerous young boy. His cold eyes showed his contempt and she could feel the darkness in his heart.

His gigantic blue wings were so beautiful and yet she realized that the liar was so much more powerful than his cute little face showed.

Taylor was a dragon all this time...

All those years and nobody knew about his little secret.

But why ... Why did this mystical creature look like a normal human being?

Why was another dragon here in Ninjago City?

And most importantly ...
Why did he help the oni?!

Harumi knew from the old legend that the dragons and onis were enemies.
The action of the boy made no sense.

"I don't understand... The dragons are kind! And you... You are..." stammered Harumi scared and couldn't believe Taylor was really one of them.

But his strong blue wings we're the proof of it. Harumi couldn't stop looking at them. As fascinating as it was to see a dragon with a human body, she was also confused. The princess had never seen someone like him before.

As I said, Taylor was like an angel. Such a beautiful creature but still so dark and scary at the same time.

Taylor pronounced this word with hatred.
As if it was a ridiculous joke.
"The dragons aren't kind at all! But of course, how could someone like you understand?!"

Then the Boy looked over to his huge wings and sighed. He loathed them...

Harumi could fell it.

He hated being a dragon...

"To be honest... I can't even fly with them. They are useless for me. But there are here. To remind me who I am... To hurt me every day!"

Taylor's voice trembled.
He was afraid of himself.
His big eyes showed how hurt the boy actually was.

"I was born as a Dragon. With the power of creation... With wings... Even with a Dragonform! But my home was always with the onis."

Harumi couldn't believe it.

There was actually a dragon who betrayed his own kind? Just like that? A dragon... Who wanted to destroy his family and help the enemy to win the war?

Harumi felt how much her head hurted.

So many questions and thoughts ...
And then there was the wound on her head that throbbed and burned like hell.

"When I was one year old... My own father abandoned me..." said the evil dragon to the girl, who hoped that her horrible wound on the head would stop bleeding.

Even if she lost a lot of blood and became dizzy again, she heard his words. She just... Had to know the reason for all of this!

Harumi literally forced her own body not to fall apart.

"There was a war. Between oni and dragon. And in the war he just wanted to save himself. He didn't cared that he had a child who loved and trusted him. He didn't cared at all that I- I could die..."

Suddenly Taylor's shy and hurtful voice became deeper and filled with hatred. Death. Yes. That was his destiny.
And why?

Because this horrible man who called himself "a Father" left his own little baby behind.

Taylor clenched his fist and harumi saw how the dragon growled in rage.

"He will pay for my tears. He will be the first one to die in this war!"

Taylor's voice sounded determined and so vicious at the same time.

He wanted revenge on his father...
So thats the reason...

Harumi gasped.
He was just like her but at the same time so different.
Taylor wanted to make the pain go away.
And apparently he seemed to believe that the death of his own father could make him happy again.

"D-don't Tay- ..."

Harumi felt her tears burn on her bloodstained face. She didn't know how to talk to him... He was so desperate to hurt other people.

"Killing the other dragons... Will... Will only cause more damaged... The onis are playing with your feelings! They only want you to do their dirty work-..."


Harumis heart jumped out of fear. Her words had made the dragon even more angry. Hateful Taylor went to the weak princess and grabbed her tightly by the neck. Harumis eyes we're wide open and felt how strong the dragon actually was.
The girl struggled desperately and tried to breathe but the boy showed no mercy.


Was that her end?

Would Taylor actually kill her now?

Harumi didn't wanted to die like that. She had to free herself!

But she was too weak and she noticed how much her lungs were tugging.

She saw Taylor's dark grin.

He laughed ...

He liked to see her like this.
Shortly before her end.
His grip grew stronger and stronger.

"Oh my... Did I hurt you? Sorry...
But you are in no position to talk. You hurted Lloyd remember? So don't talk shit to me!"

Harumi's heartbeat weakened and she suddenly felt how cold it was. Her hands ... she no longer felt them...
There was no air at all...

"Lloyd was my best friend when I was younger... He was the only Person I trusted. I still do. But then I heard what you did to him- I will never forgive you.
Sadly your Story won't have a Happy ending but- ..."

Taylor suddenly let go of Harumi and the princess fell to the floor with tears in her green eyes...

She breathed in and out quickly.

There it was... Air... The good Air.

Her neck still hurted a lot but at least she started to feel her own body again.
Shocked, she looked up at Taylor, who looked at her with contempt.

He was a Monster ... A cold hearted psycho. But it still suprised her that someone like Taylor liked the green ninja that much.

"You won't end like this... This is just pathetic. I will make sure that Lloyd will be the one who will destroy you!"

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