Part 14 - A true villain

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It was a long time before the boring school hours finally passed.

The children learned today how to poison a frog without even touching that weird slimy animal.

After that, they had math for "evil
Genes favourite lesson.

Nah... This subject sucked.

These formulas, the construction of a crime, from which angle one should attack?

Who cares anyway?

Lloyd couldn't explain why everyone was so interested to be so good at this subject?

To beat Gene and finally become Boss of this school? Pathetic.

While everyone was trying their best, Lloyd scribbled in his notebook Pictures.
His father holding his hand. Together they would rule the world in the future.

Suddenly the bell rang at the end of school and all the children ran happily out of the classroom.


Lloyd was in too much in his thoughts to have noticed that another school day was over.


Lloyd looked irritated in his math notebook and saw that he had not been able to complete any exercises.


He quickly closed his book before the teacher could see how he failed once again and hid it in his schoolbag.
That was emberassing...

Lloyd sighed and looked around the classroom. This time he wasn't the last one to leave this stinky room.
There was the new strange student.
He packed his things neatly and wasn't very pleased that the class was finally over.

The young boy seemed very serious, confident.

He had this evil grin.
It looked soooo terrifying!
He was child of a really dangerous famous villain, for sure!

Lloyd realized that the student was perhaps even more talented than Gene, the best one in the class.

But even if that was the case, the student didn't show it.

He didn't show off his talent, he was more... Calm, you could say?

Actually it was taught in school that you should show everyone that you are the best!

But the new Student didn't cared at all. He was just being himself.

Right now was the change to speak to him!

Nobody was there, no student could say anything mean to Lloyd now!

Lloyd took a deep breath, he felt his heart racing, but he still wanted to risk it. He wanted to know more about the mysterious student.

The new boy noticed that Lloyd was approaching him, but said nothing. He glared at Lloyd with a annoyed face and tidied up his table.

"Hey... I'm Lloyd... And you?"

The student sighed and closed his backpack.

"Page 567."


"Page 567 Book of Rudeness Part 1. Don't introduce yourself to strangers like that. Ugh. Put that thing away."

The boy looked at Lloyd's hand as he spoke.

"I don't shake hands?"

"Right... Sorry... Oh I forgot. We don't say sorry..." stammered Lloyd and didn't dare to look at him.

Geez, it was hard to talk to this boy?

"You really need help kid? Ya sure this evil world is something for you?" asked the student in a sarcastic voice and grinned.

"Taylor. But you can call me Tay. If thats easier for you?"

"HEY I'M NOT THAT DUMB-..." complained Lloyd angrily and crossed his arms.

"I'm just messing with you kiddo!" laughed Taylor. He was having a great time.

Lloyd rolled his eyes in annoyance. This guy was almost as cooky as Gene.

"How funny. Why is every villain such an ass?" asked Lloyd dissapointed and wanted to leave the classroom.

Taylor wasn't worth his time anyway.

"Oh come on. Stop making that face? It's getting ridiculous" said Taylor to the sad boy.

"Listen. It's in every villains DNA. Every bad guy has to be an ass. Villains aren't kind Lloyd? They are black hearted Monsters! You really don't understand us, do you?"

Lloyd stopped at the classroom door and turned to Taylor.

There he was.
Taylor Pendragon.
His classmate.

"Taylor huh?"

Many years later, Taylor and Lloyd stood in a dark alley of Ninjago city and looked at each other. Lloyd returned the picture to Taylor with tears in his eyes.

"You are such a fucking-..."

You could tell from Lloyds voice how hurt he was. This also explained Taylor's fighting talent.
He had always been a good athletic student in his school.

Funny that Lloyd could hardly remember him?

They became actually pretty good friends back then.

Maybe it was due to the time difference?

Or maybe it was because Taylor only attended school for 4 months and then never showed up again?

He was gone and nobody knew why.

He was gone and nobody knew why

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Taylor had also changed a lot.
He was no longer the confident cool student from back then, but an ordinary kitchen boy.

Sweet and innocent!
With those typical ocean eyes.

"I'm sorry Lloyd... I-"

Suddenly Lloyd hugged Taylor crying.

"I- I missed you sooo much. Why didn't you told me the truth?"

 Why didn't you told me the truth?"

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