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Snowflakes began falling from the sky gracefully. Jaemin had his arms around the older's waist while Jeno loosely wrapped Jaemin's neck with his arms on his back. They were silently gazing at each other with sweet smiles. Not until Jaemin began to talk.

"Just to let you know, there's one promise that I didn't break."

Jeno raised a brow with a smug smile, "And what is that?"

It took a moment for Jaemin to respond for he was staring down in hesitation, "I granted all your wishes. Well, maybe except one."

This time, Jeno was bewildered for real, "What did you say?"

Jaemin took a deep breath before letting go of his waist and took off both his gloves and scarf, showing off his hands and his neck. Jeno was shocked at the sight he was seeing. He could see through them...

Jeno looked up to meet his eyes and spotted some of his skin beginning to... fade. "Nana.....?"

He recieved nothing but a smile so he continued, "You're fading..."

But then, he suddenly remembered everything. His wishes. And those other things he had done with Jaemin just a few moments ago.

"I want a kiss of true love!"

His eyes enlarged, "Wait-"

"Can I kiss you?"

Jeno was taken aback by the sudden question- if it really is since it sounded more like he was insisting him to. Despite his lust of Jaemin's lips, he declined. There is no way he's losing the love of his life.

"But Jaemin, you'll-"

"Please, Nono?" Jaemin asked childishly. Doesn't he realize what he's doing?



Everything happened so fast. They were having a date like, a few minutes ago... how did it turn out to this? And why is he fading exactly?

Whatever. Jeno doesn't care. Whatever he is, he's still Jaemin whom he loves so much.

"But I don't want you to go! I don't want to lose you..." He yelled and wrapped his arms around Jaemin's shoulders. He was stupid to think hugging him would keep Jaemin from disappearing. But it doesn't work that way.

"It's okay. I'll be with you forever, I promise."

"No, you can't. I know now what will happen to you if-" He added but was cut off by a smiling male. Although, it was a sadistic one, something he prepared for this moment.

"That's why I'm asking you. Can we... atleast kiss before we say goodbye? It'll be our first... and last. You're my first and last, Jeno."

"You're my last, Nana." Jeno teared up. No, this can't be. This must be a dream.

Jaemin patted Jeno's back gently, his smile unwavering, "Even though we know I can't keep this promise, let me say it... I'll be with you. Forever."

"But Jaemin..."

"After this, I bet you'll be happy again in a week.... maybe go back to Renjun and forget everything about us."

Jeno shook his head eagerly, there was no way he's going to be fine no more less than a year, and loving Renjun? He already erased that from his list long ago.

"No. I'm yours only..."

Jaemin smiled sweetly, "Okay then, Nono. If you're lonely, just make a wish, okay?" Jeno nodded his head and tried his hardest to hold back his tears.

He knew Jaemin was saying his goodbyes. But it still hurt. Jaemin cupped Jeno's cheeks and made the older look straight to his eyes.

After giving each other their last glances, the two shared their first kiss, but at the same time, their last. Jeno tried to keep his tears from running but he just couldn't. Jaemin started glowing blue but they didn't care. That moment was only about them and they owned it. Jaemin smiled silently between the kiss before his back began to fade away.


Jeno loved the feeling of Jaemin's lips on his own. It was something he has been wanting to feel ever since he had grown feelings for the young weirdo. They were soft, sweet, warm. But then, he bursted out in tears once he felt those lips slowly fading away.

"I love you.", Jaemin thought.

Just like that night when Jeno made his wish, he opened his eyes and in front of him, was an empty space that was now filled with the cold air- just like the flameless candle. Jeno cried alone in the middle of the snow, now missing the person who was once with him before the kiss.

Then, Jaemin's last words echoed in his mind.

"Make a wish, okay?"

Jeno tried his best to be back in his pace and connected his palms together with closed eyes. Now, with more sincerity, he made his wish.

Maybe a wish of bringing him back.

"I wish..."

He gulped.

"I wish Jaemin is happy now..."

When a single tear dropped on the snow below him, a small creature appeared out of the dark. Jeno opened his eyes and was met with a tiny blue firefly. Jeno shakily placed his hands on the ground despite the cold and smiled, remembering what he had said when he attempted to kill himself.

"I guess I'll see you in our next lives, that is, if reincarnation is real...."



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