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jaemin layed down on the couch lazily. there was no class today so they had a free day for themselves. ge would glance at heno once in a while and frown when he sees the older male checking out his phone all the time.

he wanted to do something exciting, there was no way he's going to spend his free time being lazy on the couch.

"jeno—ah, let's do something~" he whined.

"what 'something'?" jeno asked from the floor next to the couch. his eyes never looked away from his phone since social media has always been so interesting to him.

"you know, something un—lazy?"

"like what?"

jaemin looked around the house, his head still empty of ideas. but when his eyes landed on the kitchen, his face lit up.

"baking!" he hopped out of the couch and dragged jeno with him who didn't get the privilege to respond. jaemin threw away his phone before they went to the kitchen.

"hey." jeno whined. "come on, nono. you can't see delicious in that small box thingy. you see it in..."

jeno was surprised to see a bunch of ingredients arranged on the table in less than a minute.


before he could even say a word, jaemin threw his arms over his shoulders and used the ultimate move.

puppy eyes.

"jeno—ah. let's make each other brownie cakes!" jeno was still mad for throwing away his phone but he knew he can never deny once the puppy eyes barge in.

"fine." he sighed in defeat while the other male cheered. now, without wasting time, they began baking.


"now, first off, put the sugar on the egg yolk inside the bowls." the video from the phone said and the two were silently following it.

turns out jaemin himself never knew how to bake a cake so they used jeno's phone and followed a video tutorial instead.

"i like sugar so much." jaemin mumbled as the two of them mixed the egg with the sugar from each of their bowls.

"you do?" jeno asked, earning a playful nod from the younger. "yes. it's sweet and it melts on my tongue so deliciously. even sweeter than you."

"who said i'm not sweet?" jaemin gave him a look and went back to mixing. "me."

jeno huffed and watched the video again after they're done mixing. it said they needed a hand mixer for the albumen. while Jaemin was focused on the video, jeno tried out the hand mixer and ended up breaking it.

jaemin noticed it and commented, "the hand mixer is already broken. what a hand you have there, mr. lee jeno."

jeno scoffed and assembled the machine again, "i was surprised."

jaemin was making weird noises while using the hand mixer but jeno didn't mind. what did he expect from a unique person like him?

after they were done with the paste, jaemin suddenly played with his bowl, relieved that the whisk inside didn't fall. jeno watched the other playing with his bowl and he somehow couldn't hide his smile.

jaemin is really weird.... but in an amusing way. it makes jeno want to make it stop but doesn't want to at the same time. does that even make sense?


he's quite a unique friend, i should be considerate.

jeno is actually thankful though for the sound effects. it would be boring if jaemin isn't being himself.

"excitedly, please mix it excitedly~" jaemin continued mixing the yolk excitedly. jeno decided to poke his torso before moving on.

they placed the warmed up chocolate on the yolk and jaemin provided sound effects once again. they did quite well the entire time and finished their cakes successfully.

jeno had strawberries as toppings while jaemin had cherries which he said was jisung's favorite. jeno didn't like it when he said that, he just felt like it was so off topic, you know?

"jeno—ah, take a taste of my cake!" jeno snapped back and did what he was told. he sliced a smaller portion of jaemin's cake and ate it.

jaemin was anticipating for his comment since it was his first time baking a cake directly. and he's so happy that his first time baking it was with jeno. he'll truly treasure this moment with the other male.

"so, how is it?" jeno munched his piece of cake before answering with nods, "it's actually good."

jaemin couldn't help but grin while staring at jeno. he looked into his features and he was indeed breathtaking. he had those ethereal eyes that would disappear when he smile, that sharp jawline that's perfect for painting, that long nose and his cute mole below his eyes; jeno's face was like those from greek gods and jaemin adored it so much.

if only he could kiss that pretty face...

"oi, jaemin na." jaemin snapped back to reality and realized jeno has been waving his hand near his face. he hurriedly covered his expression with a wide grin before taking a slice with a fork.

"jeno—ah, say ahhh—" he was just about to feed the other but jeno already took a bite before he could. he's got to be honest, it made jaemin feel sad.

"yum." jaemin smiled again to cover up his pain. "you're shooting an eating show."

"it's delicious." jeno said. without even thinking, jaemin dipped in some icing in his slice and dipped it back on jeno's nose, surprising the other.

jaemin let out a cute laugh to see jeno's overwhelmed puppy face and it made the other competitive. jeno dipped his finger on his cake's icing and did the same thing to jaemin too, getting him completely off guard.

this time, it was jeno's turn to laugh but it didn't end there. they dipped their fingers on the icing and ran around like kids.

"jeno—ah, come here!"

"no! you come here!"

they made quite a huge mess around the living room but they didn't care. right now, they were on a mission to shower each other with icing and whoever does that first wins.

unfortunately, jaemin stepped on one of the pillows on the floor. jeno took his opportunity to catch him and crash jaemin's back on the wall with his arms placed on either side of his face to keep him from escaping.

in that swift move, their frisky grins faded as they stared into each other's eyes. both of their cheeks were red and their hearts pumped faster than usual. it was as if they felt a little spark through their stares and insane heartbeats. and that lighted jeno up.

jeno began to act impulsive as he drew his face nearer to the other's, almost closing the gap between them. he was just about to connect their lips but before he could, jaemin dipped his finger on jeno's nose that had icing on it.

"i win."

jaemin giggled awkwardly while jeno stared back down at the floor. what was he thinking? he immediately let go of the wall and tried to look away from the younger male.

jaemin was biting his lower lip, uncomfortable of the awkward atmosphere above them. so he spoke out, "we sure made a mess did we?"

jeno looked around the messy living room and let out a sigh, "we sure did."

they looked at each other and failed to hide their laughs. they may have been awkward and was about to kiss, but it never triggered the fact that they were good friends.



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