twenty seven;

560 27 11

Winter season begun. Despite the cold atmosphere, everyone is coated with warmth and love from their loved ones.

Taeyong smiled as he stared at his winter boots stepping on snow. It's another work day, that also means another day to see Jaehyun again. He was excited to get inside the elevator where they would usually meet. Now, it became a motivation for him to come to work.

They've been dating for a week now and realized just how time flies so fast since that day they became official. Taeyong hoped, no, prayed they would last long. He believed they were truly in love and time complies with their connection.

Taeyong giggled and quickened his pace until he arrived at the company. He greeted some fellow employees and some artists cheerfully, unlike the past week before he got the love of his life. And everyone else seem to be happy for them.

"Good morning, Doyoung! Merry Christmas!" He greeted the artist who he encountered with while walking.

Doyoung passed him an amused smile, "It's not Christmas yet, Taeyong."

Taeyong giggled, "Advance merry Christmas, then." He waved before walking towards the elevator.

While waiting for it to open, Taeyong looked over to his phone that had him and Jaehyun as the wallpaper. Taeyong was pinching Jaehyun's cheek in the picture and he couldn't help but smile at Jaehyun's adorable face.

He couldn't wait to see him again.

As soon as the elevator fully opened, he looked up but saw no Jaehyun inside-which was very unusual of him. Taeyong was a little bit disappointed as he stepped inside.

It's okay. He's probably has something important to do. Besides, I am his secretary now so I'll see him nonetheless.

He reassured himself, causing him to smile yet again. He pressed the buttons and the elevator closed with no one else inside besides him.

Once it opened, he got out and headed straight to the small and at the same time, spacious kitchen. He brewed black coffee and added a bit of cream since it was Jaehyun's favorite.

After that, he stepped out of the kitchen and carefully walked towards Jaehyun's office with the coffee in his hands.

He glanced at the office through the see-through wall and found Jaehyun looking at thick piles of documents. Taeyong felt bad for the younger. He had to take care of lots and lots of things and he must be careful since his artists are involved in every single one of his moves.

Jaehyun might be a little too young to be working as an entertainment company's CEO. But then again, he's an only child of a very prideful and high reputated old man. He has no other choice but to obey his father's orders.

Taeyong sighed before knocking the glass door. Jaehyun looked up and noticed Taeyong open the door with a warm smile planted on his face.

Jaehyun gulped and focused back on the piled papers.

"Good morning. I brewed your favorite coffee." Taeyong uttered as he gently placed the cup of coffee on Jaehyun's messy table.

"Thank you." The younger replied bluntly.

Taeyong stood straight and only smiled for the past few minutes without getting any more respond from the other male.

Jaehyun noticed it and eyed him, "You can go now, Taeyong. I still have a lot to do." He said bitterly.

Taeyong was taken aback. Why is he being unlike his usual flirty self?

"O-Oh, okay, then." He stuttered, "Good luck, babe. Don't overwork yourself."

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