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just like at school, jaemin has been ignoring jeno at home too. it was more awkward since they were with taeyong who doesn't give a fuck, and he even insisted to sleep on the couch.

was jeno's mistake really that bad? geez.

right now, the two brothers were chilling out in the balcony, both in their pajamas while drinking coffee in the middle of the night. who does that?

"hey, what's wrong with you and jaemin? you're more silent than usual."

even though taeyong has been very busy with his work, he's been observing the two for like, ever since jaemin moved in. their new housemate was usually so clingy but now, he doesn't even steal a glance on his little brother.

jeno sipped his coffee and lowered his head down, staring blankly at the dark grasses from below, "we had a fight, that's all."

"let me guess, you didn't pay attention to him again? you gave him a strawberry cake? you forgot his 'eight shots of americano time'?" taeyong had his chin on his palm and turned to the exhausted young adult with one of his eyebrows raised high.

the younger huffee, betrayed by his own brother, "no. i broke his trust. and wow, i guess you know him better than i do."

"that's because i have ears and i'm a certified good listener, unlike you." jeno huffed upon witnessing taeyong's sarcasm. he got the point though and he just realized how different he was acting from his own brother towards jaemin.

maybe he really should give jaemin his attention some times.

"what am i supposed to do, hyung?" jeno drank his coffee and placed the cup on the small table behind them. then he rubbed his temples desperately, showing just how frustrated he is about the situation.

"option 1, go and talk to him casually. option 2, act cute and clingy and he'll eventually forgive you." taeyong ws a given a look from his brother, then sent him a smirk back.

"are you kidding me?"

"if you choose option 1, it'll take forever. if you choose option 2, not even a second will pass, he'll embrace you in a tight hug so you better prepare your muscular body to keep it from getting squished."

jeno huffed and took his cup then left taeyong from the balcony. he did say something before leaving though, "slower is better."

"you mean faster the better!" taeyong shouted back before being hit (emotionally) by the slamming of the doors with jeno's existence behind it.

i'll just talk to him but i need to find the right timing first.

jeno put the empty cup on the sink before heading back upstairs and went to bed. of course, he took a few seconds to stare at jaemin who was sound asleep on the couch. poor thing.


"so, where do we start, jisung?"

"oh! uh- umm..."

"jisung, do you really have a plan?"

"y-yes, i do! i even begged mom and dad to give me a few-okay, a plenty of bucks for this."

"okay, then spit it out."



"i asked my uncle for a reservation in a fancy restaurant and also the catering, the party materials and even IU."

hyuck, Mark, Jaemin and Jeno's jaws dropped with their eyes being pulled out by their own shock. how could a teen like him plan all that? and uncle? jisung has an uncle?

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